After running the code, you’ll get the output 10 (not 0), which means the function is case sensitive in this case. The case sensitivity of theInStrRevfunction depends on using theCompareargument. Read More:How to Use InStr Function in VBA (3 Examples) Example 4 –VBA InStrRev to Retriev...
InStr function in VBA is used to return the position of the value of the substring in a string. What happens if the value is not found? If the value is not found in the string the result displayed is zero. One thing we should always remember the Instr function is case sensitive. To ...
下面的代码块将使用Instr()函数检查子字符串是否在 VBA 的主字符串中。 Function IsSubstring(pos as Integer, mainStr as String, subStr as String,compTyp as Integer) as boolean 'if `Instr()` function returned 0 then the substring is not present in the main string. 'If `Instr()` function re...
Description: The InStr function allows the start and compare parameters to be optional. If not specified, the function will use the default values, which are 1 for start and a case-sensitive search for compare. Code: =InStr("Hello World", "o") Explanation: In this example, only the strin...
The InStr is a VBA function but not a worksheet function. That means we cannot use the Instr function within the worksheet.SyntaxInStr([Start], String1, String2, [Compare]) Explanation [Start]: It is an optional integer argument that is representing the position that we want to start ...
The INSTR function returns a numeric value. The first position instringis 1. Ifsubstringis not found instring, then the INSTR function will return 0. Note When finding the location of asubstringin astring, the INSTR function performs a case-sensitive search. ...
The Instr function calculates the character position by counting from 1NOT from the [start] position. string– The string of text to search in. substring– The string of text to find in the primary string. [compare] (optional)– By default, Instr is case-sensitive. By setting this ...
The InStr function is case-sensitive by default. But if you want to run a case insensitive InStr, then you can pass the argument here to perform a certain comparison. This argument can be the following values,vbBinaryCompare -> performs a binary comparison, return value 0 vbTextCompare -> ...
Yes, InStr is a case-sensitive function. To make it a non-case-sensitive search we need to give the vbTextCompare option to the compare argument of the InStr function. 3. Why VBA InStr is Not Working? Usually, we assign the result returned by the VBA InStr function to the variable. Sin...
By default, the InStr function performs a case-sensitive search. Enter the string "dakota" into cell B2 and click the command button on the sheet. Explanation: string "dakota" not found (first letter not capitalized). The InStr function returns 0. As a result, Excel VBA places the string...