此示例显示块格式和单行格式的If...Then...Else语句。 它还演示If TypeOf...Then...Else的用法。 VB复制 DimNumber, Digits, MyString Number =53' Initialize variable.IfNumber <10ThenDigits =1ElseIfNumber <100Then' Condition evaluates to True so the next statement is executed.Digits =2ElseDigits...
If条件1Then执行1ElseIf条件2Then执行2Else执行3EndIfEndIf 嵌套省略形式 If 条件1 Then 执行1 ElseIf 条件2 Then 执行2 ElseIf 条件3 Then 执行3 Else 执行兜底 End If Select Cace 多选择结构 IF 判断的变体,适合多个并列判断条件。 Select Case testexpression [ Case expressionlist-n [ statements-n ]]...
a review of the Excel IF function an example of the Excel 2016 IFS function, and VBA's If...Then...Else statementThis section provides an review of the Excel IF function. The main examples are based on calculation of the amount of tax payable for an Australian resident individual. The ...
An alternative to the 'If-Then-Else-End If' and 'If-Then-End If' are the one line versions. If you have one statement for when the condition is true, this can be condensed to one line. If you are including a second statement for when the condition is NOT true, this can also be...
一个If语句,后面可以跟一个或多个由布尔表达式组成的elseif语句,然后是一个默认的else语句,当所有条件变为false时执行else语句块。 语法 以下是VBScript中If...Elseif...Else语句的语法。 If(boolean_expression)ThenStatement1... ... Statement nElseIf(boolean_expression)ThenStatement1... ... Statement...
VBA if...else语句 一个if语句由一个布尔表达式和一个或多个语句组成。如果条件评估为True,则执行if条件下的语句。如果条件评估为False,则执行else部分块下的语句。 语法 以下是VBScript中的if else语句的语法。 If(boolean_expression)ThenStatement1... ....
If...Then...Else Implements Input # Kill Let Line Input # 加载 Lock、Unlock LSet Mid MkDir 名称 On Error On...GoSub、On...GoTo 打开 Option Base 选项比较 Option Explicit Option Private Print # 私人 Property Get Property Let Property Set 公共 Put RaiseEvent Randomize ReDim Rem 重置 Resume...
If..Then..ElseIf...End If When there are more than one condition linking each to a different action you will use the statement: If Selection.Value = 1 Then Selection.Offset(1, 0).Value = 10 ElseIf Selection.Value = 2 Then Selection.Offset(1, 0).Value = 20 ElseIf Selection.Value ...
Excel VBA IF THEN Statement is one of the most useful statements in VBA. In this tutorial, you’ll quickly learn how to work with the IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF as well as the AND statements. This way you can write Excel macros that are dependent on multiple conditions. We also take a...
If...Then...Else Implements Input # Kill Let Line Input # 加载 Lock、Unlock LSet Mid MkDir 名称 On Error On...GoSub、On...GoTo 打开 Option Base 选项比较 Option Explicit Option Private Print # 私人 Property Get Property Let Property Set ...