4 首先点击菜单: 插入——模块代码编辑分两大部分:身份证是否正确和性别是否正确输入以下代码Sub 身份验证()Dim arr1(), arr2(), t, leftString, sarr1 = Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2) '系数arr2 = Array("1", "0", "X", "9", ...
Dim i As Integer, s As String Dim matchLabel As Boolean matchLabel = False s = "abc"arr = Array("cyb", "dbv", "ero", "eu", "fxf", "gbb", "jyn", "udn", "uup", "fxa", "fxb", "fxc", "fxe", "fxy")For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)If arr(i) = "...
Function Pxy(arr(), FieldName As String, Optional arrType As Integer = 0)Dim k$, t$ k = 0 t = 0 Select Case arrType Case Is = 0 For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) k = k + 1 If arr(i) = FieldName Then t = 1 Exit For End If Next...
If StrComp(sString1,sString2,vbTextCompare)=-1 Then 在性能上要提高30%,且更容易阅读和理解。 2.2 转换字符串 2.2.1 StrConv函数 使用StrConv函数来按指定类型转换字符串。其语法为: StrConv(string,conversion,LCID) 其中,参数string为要转换的字符串,参数conversion为指定转换的类型,参数LCID为可选参数。
SubPopulateArray(ByRef myArray() As Double, testRange As Range, strName As String) Dim rng As Range Dim iIndex As Long If testRange Is Nothing Then MsgBox "单元格区域为空!" Exit Sub End If '重新定义动态数组的大小为...
Sub getName() Dim wName as String wName=ActiveWindow.caption MsgBox wName End sub 4.1.3 对象的方法 方法是对象能执行的动作,对象可以使用不同的方法。例如,区域(Range)对象有清除单元格内容ClearContents方法;清除格式的ClearFormats方法;以及同时清除内容和格式的Clear方法等。在调用方法的时候,使用点操作符引用...
Dim tblName As String Dim tblExists As Boolean tblName="myTable"'遍历每一工作表 For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets For Each tbl In ws.ListObjects If tbl.Name=tblName Then tblExists=True End If Next tbl Next ws If tblExists=True Then ...
I've defined an 2D array in VBA that contains strings. Later in my code I have the name of a string, and I want to retrieve the corresponding location of that string in the array. How can I find this location? Application.Match doesn't work because it onyl works on 1D arrays....