Method 1 – Get a String Cell Value from the VBA Variable Type Case 1.1 – Use a String Variable We will show you how to get a cell value declaring a string-type variable. Here’s a dataset from where we will get our cell values. Launch the VBA window and insert a module. Paste t...
可以通过属性的返回值来查看对象的信息,读取属性的语法为: 下面这个例题读取当前活动窗口的标题,并用消息框显示。 Sub getName() Dim wName as String wName=ActiveWindow.caption MsgBox wName End sub 4.1.3 对象的方法 方法是对象能执行的动作,对象可以使用不同的方法。例如,区域(Rang...
Type EmployeeRecord' Create user-defined type.IDAsInteger' Define elements of data type.NameAsString*20AddressAsString*30PhoneAsLongHireDateAsDateEndTypeSubCreateRecord()DimMyRecordAsEmployeeRecord' Declare variable.' Assignment to EmployeeRecord variable must occur in a procedure.MyRecord.ID =12003'...
IfNotMyObjectIsNothingThen' Variable refers to valid object.. . .EndIf 當然,這項測試絕對無法判斷使用者是否已關閉包含物件變數所參考之物件的應用程式。 參考物件的目前實例 使用Me關鍵詞來參照執行程式代碼之物件的目前實例。 與目前 對象相關聯的所有程式都可以存取稱為Me的物件。 使用我對於將物件目前實例的...
When you declare the data type, you are telling the program, the type of data that needs to be stored by your variable. You will use the variable in your code, and the program will also access your variable. The actual value of your variable can change while your code is running. In...
You can also use aPrivatestatement to declare the object type of a variable. 以下语句为新的工作表实例声明一个变量: VB复制 PrivateXAsNewWorksheet 如果在声明对象变量时未使用New关键字 (keyword) ,则必须使用Set语句为引用对象的变量分配现有对象,然后才能使用它。 在为其分配对象之前,声明的对象变量具有特...
' Sub procedure definition.' Sub procedure with two arguments.SubSubComputeArea(Length, TheWidth)DimAreaAsDouble' Declare local variable.IfLength =0OrTheWidth =0Then' If either argument = 0.ExitSub' Exit Sub immediately.EndIfArea = Length * TheWidth' Calculate area of rectangle.Debug.Print Ar...
GetTextStyle 返回指定行类型的文字样式名称。(2005新增) GetUCSMatrix 获取由 UCS 坐标系数据组成的转换矩阵。 GetVariable 获取 AutoCAD 系统变量的当前设置。 GetWeight 返回给定控制点索引的样条曲线权值。 GetWidth 返回多段线的起始和终止宽度。 GetWindowToPlot 获取定义要打印的布局范围的坐标。 GetXData 获取与...
Integer (Int) Variable Type The VBA Int data type is used to store whole numbers (no decimal values). However as we’ll see below, the Integer values must fall within the range ‑32768 to 32768. To declare an Int variable, you use the Dim Statement (short for Dimension): Dim intA ...
Choose a type of file. Click Save. This is the output. Code Breakdown Dim File_Name As Variant-declares a variable. File_Name = Application.GetSaveAsFilename-sets a variable name from the file explorer saving. If File_Name <> False Then ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=File_Name End If-...