you can copy the folder:fld.Copy "C:\NewFolder\"move the folder:fld.Move "C:\NewFolder\"delete the folder:fld.Deleteor create a new text file in the folder:fld.CreateTextFile “NewTextFile.txt"By using this method, you get access to the folder’s properties such as its attributes ...
'Get filename from files in folder sPath Value = Dir(sPath, &H1F) 'Save text Filename to cell A1 WS.Range("A1") ="Filename" 'Save cell A2 to variable StartCell SetStartCell = WS.Range("A2") 'Loop through filenames until value is equal to nothing DoUntilValue ="" 'Ignore . ...
This Excel trick uses an old Excel Function FILES() to get the list of all the File Names from a Folder in Excel (or a specific set of file names in Excel)
SubListFilesTest()'With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)'If .Show Then myPath$ = .SelectedItems(1) Else Exit Sub'End WithDimwsAsWorksheetSetws = Worksheets("File")Withws rowmax= WorksheetFunction.Max(.Cells(65536,1).End(xlUp).Row, .Cells(65536,2).End(xlUp).Row)Ifrowmax >...
file In subfolder.Files '//用自定义函数给当前文件名归类,下面两句中,currstr1、currstr2必有一个为空 '//如果不为空,说明当前文件属于I列或J列,并把它与str1或str2连接起来 currStr1 = getStr(arrStr1, file.Name) currStr2 = getStr(arrStr2, file.Name) If IsPicture(file.Name) Then If ...
Dim file As String Dim files As Variant ' 获取当前文件夹下的所有文件 files = GetFiles('C:\YourFolder\') ' 遍历所有文件 For Each file In files ' 打开文件并复制数据 Set wb = Workbooks.Open(file) Set ws = wb.Sheets(1) ' 更改数字以选择其他工作表 ...
FolderName = Left(InputString, i - 1) End If 'Extracting the file name FileName = Right(InputString, Len(InputString) - i) 'Returning the folder or file name from function based on ReturnFileName parameter If ReturnFileName Then
然而,如果存在很多个工作簿,这样的重复工作使用VBA是最合适的。...msoFileDialogFolderPicker) .InitialFileName =Application.DefaultFilePath & "\" .Title = "选择保存工作表的位置...Next wks Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub 只需在要拆分的工作簿中运行上述代码.....
on error resume next 下测试A,在D: 下新建文件夹,命名为folder方法 1: MkDir D: folder方法 2: Set abc = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)abc.CreateFolder (D: folder)B,新建2个文件命名为a.xls和b.xlsWorkbooks.AddActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename: =D: foldera.xlsActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:...
Function PinYin2(Hz As String) Dim PinMa As String Dim MyPinMa As Variant Dim ...