Sub getAllFormula()Dim allFormulaRng As Range, fmRng As Range Dim sht As Worksheet Dim arFormula(1 To 100000, 1 To 4)Dim n As Long For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets On Error Resume Next '已使用区域中定位公式 Set allFormulaRng = sht.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)If Err...
Range对象的Formula和FormulaR1C1两个属性都能用来设置公式,区别在于,一个使用A1样式,另一个使用R1C1样式。如: Sheet1.Cells(1,1).Formula="=SUM(A2:I2)" Sheet1.Cells(2,10).FormulaR1C1="=SUM(RC[-7]:RC[-1])" 其中RC[-7]表示行不变(相比较于Cells(2,10),因为它没有偏移值),列是向左偏...
源码:Option Explicit'日期:2020-5-15'作者:EXCEL办公实战-小易'功能:提取EXCEl中的所有公式'---Sub getAllFormula() Dim allFormulaRng As Range, fmRng As Range Dim sht As Worksheet Dim arFormula(1 To 100000, 1 To 4) Dim n As Long For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets On Error Resume Nex...
Range("c10") = "'" & Range("I3").Formula End Sub '2 单元格的地址 Sub x2() With Range("b2").CurrentRegion [b12] = .Address [c12] = .Address(0, 0) [d12] = .Address(1, 0) [e12] = .Address(0, 1) [f12] = .Address(1, 1) End With End Sub '3 单元格的行列信息 Sub...
etc. We can perform this task with an alternate code. . It's just brilliant. Enter the . We will see the message which will pick up the value from cell B2 as shown below. Stop searching for VBA code online. This formula uses this feature to construct a dynamic range based on workshee...
ActiveCell.Formula=cell.Formula Application.SendKeys"{ESC}"End If Next cell Application.OnTime Now+TimeValue("08:00:00"),"RefreshCustomFunction"'每隔8小时执行一次 End Sub 报错的可能原因是:代码中存在死循环或者长时间运行的操作,导致程序无法继续执行。
On Error Resume Next'已使用区域中定位公式Set allFormulaRng =sht.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) If Err=0Then If Not allFormulaRng Is Nothing Then For Each fmRng In allFormulaRng n= n +1With sht arFormula(n,1) = n -1'序号arFormula(n,2) = sht.Name'表名arFormula(n,3) ...
cells(1, 1).formula = ”=rand()”end sub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -示例05-02 引用单元格sub random()dim myrange as 5、range设置对单元格区域的引用set myrange = worksheets(sheet1).range(”a1:d5”)对range对象进行操作myrange。formula = =rand()myrange...
(xlCellTypeFormulas)If Err = 0 ThenIf Not allFormulaRng Is Nothing ThenFor Each fmRng In allFormulaRngn = n + 1With shtarFormula(n, 1) = n - 1 '序号arFormula(n, 2) = sht.Name '表名arFormula(n, 3) = fmRng.Address(0, 0) '地址arFormula(n, 4) = fmRng.Formula '公式End...
在Excel VBA中,可以使用Range对象和Formula属性来对所有单元格应用公式。下面是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 Sub ApplyFormulaToAllCells() Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") '假设要应用公式的工作表名为Sheet1 Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1...