If you're trying toretrieve the colors of a cell in a traditional way, you'll only get the cell's default colors, ignoring any conditional formatting. To retrieve the displayed color (taking into account conditional formatting), simply addDisplayFormatto your code. ...
Get Cell Color Function Function returns the active cell interior or font color index, regardless of whether it was set by regular or Conditional Formatting.
Sub GetConditionalFormattingColor() Dim cell As Range Dim color As Long ' 设置要获取条件格式背景颜色的单元格 Set cell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") ' 检查单元格是否有条件格式 If cell.FormatConditions.Count > 0 Then ' 遍历条件格式规则 Dim fc As FormatCondition For Each fc...
Unfortunately, the DisplayFormat property cannot be used in a custom function that is used in a cell formula. You can only call such a function in other VBA code. Refer to the conditions behind the conditional formatting rules instead.
Unfortunately, the DisplayFormat property cannot be used in a custom function that is used in a cell formula. You can only call such a function in other VBA code. Refer to the conditions behind the conditional formatting rules instead.
VBA Code To Change Cell Color. Press Alt+F11 Insert a Module (Insert>Module) from menu bar Paste the code in the module Now add a shape in Excel
Conditional formatting has helped millions of spreadsheet users analyze and highlight their data more efficiently. In addition to the classic rules, color scales, and icon sets available in Zoho Sheet, you can now apply Data Bars, a convenient method ...
Formatting changes (font size, cell size, font/cell color, conditional formatting, etc.) A cell changed because the calculation was updated (this is a different event called theWorksheet_Calculateevent) Selecting a cell (this is another event calledWorksheet_SelectionChangeevent) ...
#001 Sub RngInput()#002 Dim rng As Range#003 On Error GoTo line#004 Set rng = Application.InputBox(请使用鼠标选择单元格区域:, , , , , , , 8)#005 rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 15#006 line:#007 End Sub代码解析 41、:RngInput过程使用InputBox方法显示一个对话框,提示用户在工作表中选择一...
Sub ApplyColortoCell() Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) End Sub This VBA code will change the background color of cell A1 in “Sheet1” to red. It uses the Interior.Color property of the Range to set the background color, and the RGB(255, 0, 0) function specifi...