Private pSalary As Double Public Property Get Name() As String Name = pName End Property Public Property Let Name(Value As String) pName = Value End Property Public Property Get Address() As String Address = pAddress End Property Public Property Let Address(Value As String) pAddress = Valu...
With Range("b2").CurrentRegion [b12] = .Address [c12] = .Address(0, 0) [d12] = .Address(1, 0) [e12] = .Address(0, 1) [f12] = .Address(1, 1) End With End Sub '3 单元格的行列信息 Sub x3() With Range("b2").CurrentRegion [b13] = .Row [b14] = .Rows.Count [b15] ...
MsgBox mc.Address() '$A$1 MsgBox mc.Address(RowAbsolute:=False) '$A1 MsgBox mc.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) 'R1C1 MsgBox mc.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1,_ RowAbsolute:=False, _ ColumnAbsolute:=False, _ RelativeTo:=Worksheets(1).Cells(3,3) 'R[-2]C[-2] 图表格式的设置: 设...
Address As StringDimrngPrecedentRange As RangeDolngArrow=lngArrow + 1blnNewArrow=TruelngLink=0DolngLink=lngLink + 1rngCell.ShowPrecedentsOnError Resume NextSetrngPrecedentRange = rngCell.NavigateArrow(True, lngArrow, lngLink)IfErr.Number <> ...
Shift+F2 :可添加或编辑单元格批注。(重要) Shift+F3 :显示“插入函数”对话框。 F4 :重复上一...
Private SubGetCellPrecedents(ByRef rngCell As Range,ByRef dicAllPrecedents As Object,ByVal lngLevel As Long)Dim lngArrow As Long Dim lngLink As Long Dim blnNewArrow As Boolean Dim strPrecedentAddress As String Dim rngPrecedentRange As Range ...
(42) GetAddress=Replace(Hyperlinkcell.Hyperlinks(1).Address,mailto:,””) ‘返回单元格中超级链接的地址并赋值 (43) TextColor=Range(“A1”).Font.ColorIndex ‘检查单元格A1的文本颜色并返回颜色索引 Range(“A1”).Interior.ColorIndex ‘获取单元格A1背景色 (44) cells.count ‘返回当前工作表的单元格...
Sub Show_Table_Info(ByVal row As Integer, col As Integer) SelTableField.TextBox2.Value = row & "," & col SelTableField.Show 1 End Sub Function GetColumnLetter(iCol As Integer) As String GetColumnLetter = VBA.Split(Cells(1, iCol).Address, "$")(1) End Function...
VBA中很多的功能可以用内置的函数完成,其它的可以自己写函数完成。下面几点就是我在实战中遇到比较多的,而且带有一定困惑性的典型问题。一、返回列的名字 这是个最简单的问题,但是有时候还是很需要的,方法比较简单,就是通过Address获取列的名字,比如“A”,“AB”等。