Sub Exmple_1() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Worksheets("Data").Range("B5") Dim address As String address = rng.address Debug.Print address ' Output: $B5 End Sub Or use the following code to get the cell reference of a single cell. Click Run to display the MsgBox with the address....
Now, let’s say you want to find the last column. In that case, instead of using the “xlDown” constant, you need to use the “xlRight”, and if you want to select that cell instead of having the address, then you can use the “select” method. Consider the following method. Ran...
1.1 Finding Cell Address Based on Integer Value See the following image to get an overview of what we’re doing to find out the cell address of an Integer value. We will look for the cell address of a Total Sales value. Note that, the Total Sales values are Integer. Sub FindCellValue...
The above code also refers to cell A1. Apart from this, there is one more way that you can use and that’s by not using the value property directly assigning the value to the cell. Cells(1, 1) = "Done" But this is recommended to use the value property to enter a value in a c...
What I want to be able to do is, when one clicks on a cell, the address of that cell will be returned to another cell. Then I would be able to use the returned cells address for a VLOOKUP table. The closest thing I can find is =ADDRESS but it only works after the cell contents...
Public Function removeFirstC(rng As String, cnt As Long) removeFirstC = Right(rng, Len(rng) - cnt) End Function Simply remove characters from the starting of a text string. All you need is to refer to a cell or insert a text into the function and number of characters to remove from ...
Function PinYin2(Hz As String) Dim PinMa As String Dim MyPinMa As Variant Dim ...
Sub highlightValue() Dim myStr As String Dim myRg As range Dim myTxt As String Dim myCell As range Dim myChar As String Dim I As Long Dim J As Long On Error Resume Next If ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Count > 1 Then myTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressLocal Else myTxt = ActiveShee...