As I said, you can use the same value property to get value from a cell. 1. Get Value from the ActiveCell Let’s say you want to get the value from the active cell, in that case, you need to use the following code. ActiveCell.Value = Range("A1") In the above code, you have ...
Range(ActiveCell, Cells(14, "D")).Select
表达式.SpecialCells(Type, Value) Type是一个必选的XlCellType类型的参数,表示要包含的单元格。Value是一个可选XlSpecialCellsValue或Variant类型的参数。 单元格区域的选取: 单元格区域的激活与选择: 可以使用Select方法和Selection属性,Select方法激活工作表和工作表上的对象,Selection属性则返回代表活动工作簿中活动工作...
'Call MyFunction by value using the active cell. ActiveCell.Value = MyFunction(rng) End Sub Function MyFunction(rng As Range) As Double MyFunction = rng(1) * rng(2) * rng(3) End Function ===学习例子=== 解决问题: 1.inputbox的“取消”按钮的处理 2.取得Application.inputbox选择区域的起...
'Call MyFunction by value using the active cell. ActiveCell.Value = MyFunction(rng) End Sub Function MyFunction(rng As Range) As Double MyFunction = rng(1) * rng(2) * rng(3) End Function ===学习例子=== 解决问题: 1.inputbox
ActiveCell.Value = i ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Next i Last:Exit Sub End Sub 此宏代码将帮助您在Excel工作表中自动添加序列号,如果您使用大数据,这对您有所帮助。要使用此代码,您需要选择要从中开始序列号的单元格,当您运行此代码时,它会显示一个消息框,您需要在其中输入序列号的最高数字,然后单击...
5、Sheet2.Rows(1).Value = Sheet1.Rows(1).Value'将一个表中的一行全部拷贝到另一个表中 6、Sub pro_cell()'将此代码放入sheet1,则me=sheet1,主要是认识me Me.Unprotect Cells.Locked = False Range('D11:E11').Locked = True Me.Protect End Sub 7、Application.CommandBars('Ply').Enabled = ...
name = Range("A1").Value where cell "A1" is merged horizontally with "B1" and where name is a string variable This generates an error. Is there way to get this value? Thanks, Dennis New to Zoho Survey? Sign Up Now Latest Feature Updates ...
Set rng = Range("A1:A10") ' 修改为你需要遍历的单元格范围 For Each cell In rng If cell.Address = ActiveCell.Address Then ' 如果当前元素是活动单元格 ' 跳过当前活动单元格,继续下一个循环 Exit For End If ' 在这里可以编写对非活动单元格的操作 ' 例如: ' MsgBox cell.Value Next cell End ...
' Attaches to the active Excel objectSet xl = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") ' Get handle to the active sheet in ExcelSet xlsh = xl.ActiveSheet ' Gets value in cell A1density = xlsh.Cells(1,1) ' Set the density in the SOLIDWORKS part ...