PrivateSub CommandButton1_Click()Dim myDateAsDateDim txAsStringtx = TextBox1IfCorrect_Date("dmy", tx, myDate) ThenIfMsgBox("你正在输入这个日期: "& Format(myDate,"dd-mmmm-yyyy"), vbOKCancel,"") = vbOK ThenRange("A1") = my...
Private SubCommandButton1_Click()Dim myDate As Date Dim tx As String tx=TextBox1 IfCorrect_Date("dmy",tx,myDate)Then IfMsgBox("你正在输入这个日期: "&Format(myDate,"dd-mmmm-yyyy"),vbOKCancel,"")=vbOK ThenRange("A1")=myDate End If Else MsgBox"错误输入. 请按d-m-y格式输入日期, 例...
1、首先双击打开Excel表格。2、其次在Microsoft Office Excel2007版界面上,选中底部工作表,右键点击“查看代码”。3、接着在弹出的VBA窗口中,输入日期格式转换的代码“Private Sub dateTra() Dim datetime datetime = "2020/2/13" MsgBox (Format(datetime, "YYYY-MM-DD")) End Sub ”。4、其次...
具体的VBA代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 Dim dateTime As Date Dim text As String dateTime = Now() ' 假设当前日期时间为2022/01/01 12:34:56 text = Format(dateTime, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") ' 将日期时间转换为文本,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss MsgBox text ' 弹出消息框显示转换后的文本 上述...
當您使用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 巨集將逗號分隔值 (CSV) 文字文件轉換成 Microsoft Office Excel 活頁簿 (*.xls),轉換成 Excel 活頁簿的日期格式可能不正確。例如,在您的 CSV 檔案中,日期的格式可能是:dd/mm/yyyy當您執行下列巨集,將 CSV 文字文件轉換成 Excel 時,...
Format格式字符串 Dim MyTime,MyDate,Mystr MyTime = #17:04:23# MyDate = #January 27,1993# '以系统设置的长时间格式返回当前系统时间。 Mystr =Format ( Time, "Long Time " ) '以系统设置的长日期格式返回当前系统日期。 MyStr = Format (Date, "Long Date") ...
Global time As DateSub CountDownIncrease()time = Now()'假设是30秒time = DateAdd("s", 30, time)DoUntiltime<Now()DoEventsActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes("countdown").TextFrame.TextRange =Format((time-Now()),"...
点击菜单栏的 Tools,选择Options,选择 Editor Format,鼠标光标放在在字体栏,按键盘翻页键选择字体,注意一定不要直接粘贴字体名字到字体栏,可能不生效。2.5 VBA 中导入 Macro 类库,或者.bas文件在控制台窗口,依次点击:File --> Import File --> 选择所要导入的文件 --> 点击 Open 文件即可。
Sub RenameFiles() Dim folderPath As String, oldName As String, counter As Integer folderPath = "D:\Files\Desktop\附件\" counter = 1 oldName = Dir(folderPath & "*.jpg") ' 重命名所有JPG文件 Do While oldName <> "" Name folderPath & oldName As folderPath & _ "Image_" & Format(...
Private Sub TextBox1_AfterUpdate() If IsDate(Me.TextBox1.Text) Then Me.TextBox1.Text = Format(Me.TextBox1.Text, "dd/mm/yyyy") Else MsgBox "Please enter a date string!" End If End Sub >>i want from the textbox to appear the georgian date or hijrian date as it We support ...