End If End Sub Sub DeleteFolderExample() '删除文件夹 Dim fso As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim folderPath As String folderPath = "D:\Files\Desktop\Test" If fso.FolderExists(folderPath) Then fso.DeleteFolder folderPath Else MsgBox "文件夹不存在。" End If End...
Range(Columns(2), Columns(256)).Replace What:='0', Replacement:='', LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _ ReplaceFormat:=False End Sub --- Sub aa() '删除A列是C的行 Range([a1], [a65536].End(3)).Replace 'c', '' Range([a1], [a...
(32767) ' Boolean data is written as #TRUE# or #FALSE#. Date literals are ' written in universal date format, for example, #1994-07-13# 'represents July 13, 1994. Null data is written as #NULL#. ' Error data is written as #ERRORerrorcode#. Write #1, MyBool ;" is a Boolean ...
The Manual consists of 34 chapters, each of which is divided into several sections. Each section is a small building block. The content involves code debugging and optimization; Workbook and worksheet code; Example of WORD code; Simple process and typical process of code; Date and time processin...
文档对象 - Word 文档 Document Object – A Word document 1)活动文档 ActiveDocument:ActiveDocument.PrintOut 2)激活文档 ActiveDocument Documents("Example.docx").Activate 3)当前文档 ThisDocument ThisDocument.PrintOut 4)变量文档 Document Variables Sub mynzVarExample()Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = ...
There are a number of differences in the language features available in VBA and Visual Basic. Some of the biggest concern data types, statements, and new language features. One example is that an Integer in VBA is equivalent to a Short in Visual Basic and a Long in VBA is equiva...
Changing the CompanyName property was a simple change of an entire string. To change the domain of the e-mail address from@example.comto@example.netrequires a string operation. Each string has a built in numbering system where every character has an index number starting at 1. You can use...
On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.ShowAllData On Error GoTo 0 'This example filters on the first column in the List/Table '(change the field if needed). In this case the Table starts 'in A so Field:=1 is column A, field 2 = column B, ... 'Use "<>" & filtercriteria if you...
This example merge range A1:A4 to a large one. Range("A1:A4").MergeCells=True Copy Right-to-left Text direction The value of this property can be set to one of the constants:xlRTL(right-to-left),xlLTR(left-to-right), orxlContext(context). ...