The VBA Format function converts a value (such as a number or date) into a string with a specific format. You can use format codes to specify how the output string should appear (e.g., number of decimal places, date format, etc.). The function returns a string representing the format...
- Round(number, num_digits):将数字四舍五入到指定的位数。 - Int(number):返回小于或等于给定数字的最大整数。 - Fix(number):返回最接近零的整数。 - Randomize([number]):初始化随机数生成器。 - Rnd(:返回一个随机数,取值范围为 0 到 1 4.日期和时间函数: - Now(:返回当前的日期和时间。 - Da...
mmm Jan Month (abbreviated) mmmm January Month yy 24 Year (last 2 digits) yyyy 2024 Year h 9 Hours (0 to 23) hh 09 Hours (00 to 23) n 5 Minutes (0 to 59) nn 05 Minutes (00 to 59) s 7 Seconds (0 to 59) ss 07 Seconds (00 to 59) AM/PM AM AM/PMExcel...
2.数学运算函数 - Abs(number):返回指定数的绝对值。 - Sqrt(number):返回指定数的平方根。 - Round(number[, num_digits]):将指定数四舍五入到指定的小数位数。 - Int(number):返回指定数的整数部分。 - Mod(number, divisor):返回两个数相除的余数。 3.日期和时间函数 - Date:返回当前日期。 - Time...
Public Function FormatNumberFixed(Expression As Variant, Optional NumDigitsAfterDecimal As Integer = -1, _ Optional IncludeLeadingDigit As Integer = -2, Optional UseParensForNegativeNumbers As Integer = -2, _ Optional GroupDigits As Integer = -2) FormatNumberFixed = FormatNumber(Expression, NumDig...
Code: Range(“A2”).Value = Format(MyDate, “yyyy-mmm-dd”) Result: #8 – Show Year Only in 2 Digits Code: Range(“A2”).Value = Format(MyDate, “dd-mm-yy “) Result: Like this, we can play around with various custom date formatting with the FORMAT function in VBA. Important...
") ' 定义数字数组 Digits = Split("零,壹,贰,叁,肆,伍,陆,柒,捌,玖", ",") ' 处理零的特殊情况 If MyNumber = 0 Then NumToChineseCurrency = "零元整" Exit Function End If ' 分离整数部分和小数部分 IntegerPart = Int(MyNumber) DecimalPart = Format(MyNumber - IntegerPart, "0.00") ...
& "输入2:" & Format([a1], "DDDD") & Chr(10) & "输入3:" & Format([a1], "AAA"))'根据用户录入的数字对A1的日期进行转换 [b1] = Format([a1].Value, Choose(Week, "DDD", "DDDD", "AAA")) End Sub ___ 该过程中利用Inputbox显示一个输入框,在输入框中可以预览转换后的四种日期样式,...
& "输入2:" & Format([a1], "DDDD") & Chr(10) & "输入3:" & Format([a1], "AAA"))'根据用户录入的数字对A1的日期进行转换 [b1] = Format([a1].Value, Choose(Week, "DDD", "DDDD", "AAA")) End Sub ___ 该过程中利用Inputbox显示一个输入框,在输入框中可以预览转换后的四种日期样式,...
Sub Example_2() Range("A1").NumberFormat = "#.##" Range("A2").NumberFormat = "#,#" End Sub The results are shown below: We probably want to add commas to the cell A1 for easier readability. For A2, we want to remove the six digits on the right and have “M” instead, and ...