Again we have initiated For Loop. Then within the If statement we included the first condition. If the value is equal to or greater than200, the next cell in the adjacent column will take “Good” as input. ElseIf marksArray(i) >= 150 And _ marksArray(i) < 200 Then Range("G" &...
(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas(i).Value Next End If End If Application.GoTo rngB Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.CutCopyMode = False Exit Subskip: If Err.Number <> 424 Then MsgBox "发现错误: " & Err.Description End If Application.ScreenUpda...
我= target_sum到target_sum relax_range步- 1 - 如果是(我)。hit_time <= 0然后去no_plan_skip “此处老是出现下标越界的错误 1 = get_my_score(ARR(我)。mbr_id)如果1 > best_score然后 best_score = 1 最好的=我 最后如果 no_plan_skip:下一个我 如果最好的> 0 选择= A...
Sub 选择粗线边框的单元格() On Error Resume Next Dim rng As Range, rg As Range For Each rng In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If rng.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlMedium And rng.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlMedium _ And rng.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlMedium And rng.Borders(xlEdgeBottom...
With .Borders(objArray(i)).LineStyle = objBorderStyle.LineWidth = objBorderWidth.Color = objBorderColorEnd WithSkip:Next iEnd WithNext objTable MsgBox"完成对"& n &"个表格设置边框.",vbOKOnly, strTitleEnd Sub 你可以修改代码,使得表格边框...
(i))End If Next k=dict.Keys:v=dict.Items For i=0To dict.count-1:'遍历字典,创建、写入ws 'Worksheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.count)).Name="拆分表"&i+1'最后添加新sheet,序号命名 Worksheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.count)).Name="拆分表_"&k(i)'最后添加新sheet,keys命...
{"community":"Community Home","inbox":"Inbox","manageContent":"Manage Content","tos":"Terms of Service","forgotPassword":"Forgot Password","themeEditor":"Theme Editor","edit":"Edit Navigation Bar","skipContent":"Skip to content","gxcuf89792":"Tech Community","external-1":"Events","...
Sub 过程名() i = 1 s = 0 '初始值为0可略 While i <= 100 s = s + i i =...
For i = 1 To d FindFile sDir(d) & "\" Next End Sub 5、MkDir 语句 语法:MkDir path 功能:创建一个新的目录或文件夹。 说明:path 可以包含驱动器。如果没有指定驱动器,则 MkDir 会在当前驱动器上创建新的目录或文件夹。 示例: MkDir "MYDIR" '在当前目录建立新的目录或文件夹。