Example 6 – Using Excel VBA to Find the Last Value in a Column You want to know the value of thelast rowor cell in a specific column. Steps: Enter theVBAcode below in the module. Sublast_value()DimL_RowAsLongL_Row=Cells(Rows.Count,"B").End(xlUp).Row MsgBox Cells(L_Row,2)....
Sub FindValueInColumn() Dim searchValue As Variant Dim searchRange As Range Dim resultCell As Range ' 设置要查找的值 searchValue = "要查找的值" ' 设置要查找的范围,这里假设要查找的列是A列,可以根据实际情况修改 Set searchRange = Range("A1:A10") ' 在范围内查找值 Set resultCell = search...
Value, Range("F5:F12"), 0)) Next i End Sub Visual Basic Copy The For loop iterates over a range of cells from row 5 to row 7 in column 8 (i.e., range H5:H7). Inside the For loop, the MATCH function is used to find the position of the value in cell (i, 8 i.e., ...
For Each uu In myRng Cells(uu.Row, "L") = "" '清空回填数据区域 '填入查到的数据,在字典的嵌套中查找到键值,此时键值是数组,回填到区域 '注意下面语句的写法,不然会报错,字典最大的好处是在查找的时候,如果没有查到是不会报错的。If mydic.exists(uu.Value) Then If mydic(uu.Value).exi...
Hi I need a VBA code that will cycle through a sheet and do the following.highlight the row and do a find and replace for that row, find the value in column...
" & rngFound.Row & Chr(10) & _ "Value in column C: " & Cells(rngFound.Row, "C").Value & Chr(10) & _ "Value in column D: " & Cells(rngFound.Row, "D").Value Set rngFound = Columns("CNH MXI").Find(strID, rngFound, xlValues, xlWhole) Loop While rngFound.Address <> st...
I don't understand. In the first post, you wrote "find the value in column B and replace with the value in column Cfor that row". I took that literally, but apparently you want something else. Please explain in detail and very clearly what you do want inste...
searchRange.Find(What:=searchValue, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) ' 如果找到了特定值,则将找到的行添加到结果范围 If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then If resultRange Is Nothing Then Set resultRange = foundCell.EntireRow Else Set resultRange = Union(resultRange, foundCell.EntireRow) End If ...
Set GetSearchRange = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 2), ws.Cells(lLastRow, 2)) End Function '复制查找到的数据到found区域 Private Sub CopyItem(rgItem As Range) Dim rgDestination As Range Dim rgEntireItem As Range '获取在查找区域中的整行数据 ...
(findItems) To UBound(findItems) If fii < UBound(searchRanges) Then If RC = 1 Then rOffset = searchRanges(fii + 1).row - baseRange.row If RC = 2 Then cOffset = searchRanges(fii + 1).Column - baseRange.Column End If Set resultRange = findRang...