Example 5 – Find the Position of a Character in String You can also find the position of aspecific characterin a string. For instance, consider the following VBA code snippet: Sub Find_Character() Dim z As Long z = InStr("Happiness is a choice", "e") ...
SubSearch_Range_For_Text()DimcellAsRangeForEachcellInRange("b2:b6")IfInStr(cell.Value,"Dr.")>0Thencell.Offset(0,1).Value="Doctor"EndIfNextcellEndSub Find Position of a Character in a String This code will find the position of a single character in a string and assign the position to...
VBA provides a number of functions for manipulating strings, including the function Left() which takes a string and the number of characters to extract from the left side of the string. To remove the last character from a string, use the Left() function to extract the all characters of the...
InStr(1, “I think therefore I am”, “think”)will return the position of the substring in a string.1is the start position, “I think therefore I am”is the string, and“think”is the substring to find. The function is by default case-sensitive, so take care with the case of the...
=RIGHT(B3,LEN(B3)-FIND(" ",B3))If the name contains a middle name, note that it will be split into the last name cell.Finding the nth Character in a StringAs noted above, FIND returns the position of the first match it finds. But what if you want to find the second occurrence ...
在某些情况下,可能想知道在文档中每个字母有多少个,即字母a-Z中每个有多少,或者可能想找出特定文本中最常用的字母。 本文包括两个VBA宏,计算Word文档中每个字母或其他字符的数量。 程序1:在对话框中显示结果,其中按指定的顺序显示每个字符的计数。 SubFindNumb...
其中,参数string为要转换的字符串,参数conversion为指定转换的类型,参数LCID为可选参数。 如果将参数conversion设置为vbUpperCase或1,则将字符串转换成大写;设置为vbLowerCase或2,则将字符串转换成小写;设置为vbProperCase或3,则将字符串中每个字的开头字母转换成大写;设置为vbUnicode或64,则根据系统的缺省码页将字符...
Left(String,CharNum) 其中,如果参数String包含Null,则返回Null;如果参数CharNum的值大于或等于String的字符数,则返回整个字符串。 例如,下面的代码返回指定字符串的前两个字符: strLeft=Left(“This is a pig.”,2) Left函数与InStr函数结合,返回指定字符串的第一个词,例如下面的代码: ...
For Each i In ActiveDocument.Characters If i.Font.Hidden = True Then n = n + 1 i.Delete End If Next MsgBox "共删除隐藏字符" & n & "个" End Sub 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 删除空格 Sub 删除空格() Dim FindChar As String, Fcount As Integer, RepChar As Stri...
str = "This is a pig." FirstWord = Left(str, InStr(str, " ") - 1) 2.7.2 Right函数 与Left函数不同的是,Right函数从字符串的右边开始提取字符或指定长度的字符串,即返回包含字符串中从右边起指定数量的字符。其语法为: Right(String,CharNum) ...