Try this: SubLoad_k_file()DimsFileAsStringWithApplication.FileDialog(1).Filters.Clear.Filters.Add"Text Files (*.txt)","*.txt"' Change as desired.InitialFileName="C:\Users\jopot\OneDrive\Documents\Timestep\Resources\IT\Software\LS-Dyna\Methodology investigations\Welds\0125-FEA-I-S\*.txt"If...
代码语言:vba 复制 Sub RangeSelectionDialog() Dim rng As Range ' 显示范围选择对话框 Set rng = Application.InputBox("请选择一个范围", Type:=8) ' 处理选择的范围 If Not rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "您选择的范围是: " & rng.Address Else MsgBox "您没有选择任何范围" End If End Sub ...
第四步消化吸收:将查询到的信息转化为自己的知识储备,下次需要用到的时候,直接打开帮助文档,在application 下面找到FileSelectionBox方法的用法就可以了。 03 打开文件对话框获取文件夹路径的方法 获取文件夹的路径的方法,是在我搜索File dialogbox select问题时意外找到的,算是个炫酷的福利,怎么说呢?对话框看起来好看...
GetOpenFilename("新表,*.xlsx,老表,*.xls", 1, "快特么选!", "确定", False) Dialogs(对话框) 代码语言:javascript 复制 '对话框中所做的操作会真实执行,具体的值见附表 Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Application.Dialogs(150).Show 使用ADO操作外部数据 使用ADO连接外部Excel数据源 代码语言...
DimMyDialogAsFileDialog OnErrorResumeNext Application.ScreenUpdating =False SetMyDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) WithMyDialog ' .InitialFileName = "C:\" .Filters.Clear'清除所有文件筛选器中的项目 .Filters.Add"所有 WORD 文件","*.doc", 1'增加筛选器的项目为所有WORD文件 ...
Selection.Paste Selection.InsertBreak word_temp.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End If End With Set word_result = Nothing Set word_temp = Nothing Set file_dialog = Nothing str = Format(Timer - time_start, "均已成功合并;共用时0秒!") ...
Select a file path on your local computer or network file shares.File list boxDisplays the available files for the selected directory and file type.File nameIndicates your file selection. You can also enter a file path in this edit box to specify a browsing target....
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show Sub 选择光标或选区所在列() Selection.EntireColumn.Select ActiveSheet.Columns("H").Insert 插入列 activesheet.rows(3).insert 插入行 信息加入到状态栏 Application.StatusBar = VBA.Format$("laoshi") End Sub Sub 选择到指定列的最后行() Range("C4:G" & [G65536...
Select a file path on your local computer or network file shares. File list box Displays the available files for the selected directory and file type. File name Indicates your file selection. In addition, you can enter a file path in this edit box to specify a browsing target. Files of ...
kk = Application.GetOpenFilename('EXCEL (*.XLS), *.XLS', Title:='提示:请打开一个EXCEL文件:') msgbox kk 打开zoom显示比例对话框 Application.Dialogs(xlDialogZoom).Show 激活字体对话框 Application.Dialogs(xlDialogActiveCellFont).Show 打开另存对话框 Dim kk As String kk = Application.GetSaveAsFilena...