here we may simply keep counting numbers within the “For” loop. We will place a condition to check the page load within the same loop. If that condition is met, we can use “EXIT FOR” statement to exit the loop and
If the above condition is not True, then Exit the For loop.Code:Sub Exit_Loop()Dim x As IntegerFor x = 1 To 10If Cells(x, 2).Value = “” ThenCells(x, 2).Value = x * 5ElseExit ForEnd IfNext xEnd SubStep 5: Run the above code using F5 or the Run option in the VB ri...
在VBA代码中,我们经常会看到类似于On Error Resume Next这样的语句,这是编译器在代码遇到错误时自动...
Still learning and struggle with array's -- looking for help to shorten the below listed code. As is it works perfectly and does what I need it to, just takes too long. Hoping an array would make it run a bit faster, but im struggling a bit. Any help appreciated thank you. To ...
(y, 1).Value = TextBox1.Text Then ' Loop through the columns and copy data to the target range targetRange.Rows(1).Value = sourceSheet.Rows(y).Cells(sourceColumns).Value ' Exit the loop since the condition is met for this row Exit For End If Next y ' Re-enable screen updating ...
Dim char As String, result As String Dim fileNum As Integer fileNum = FreeFile Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum Do char = Input(1, #fileNum) result = result & char If Right(result, 4) = "STOP" Then Exit Do Loop Close #fileNum MsgBox result Explanation: The code ...
Exit Function End If Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary ' fill dictionary keys with unique random numbers With dict Do While .Count < ListLength i = Int((UpperBound - LowerBound + 1) * Rnd + LowerBound) If Not .Exists(i) Then .Add i, "" Loop GenerateUniqueNumbersList = .Keys End...
Test for EOF (or BOF if moving backwards) before checking the real exit condition for your loop.Solution:Use this construct for looping through Access recordsets:Do while Not rst.EOF If rst![MyField] <> Something Then 'The real loop exit condition. Exit Do End If ' Rest of your code ...
If mySheet = ws.Name Then 'If the condition in step 6 is met, this line renames the worksheet to the new name entered by the user. ws.Name = SheetName 'This line ends the If statement. End If 'This line ends the For Each loop. ...