VBA Excel上的运行时错误'1004'是指在使用VBA编写的Excel宏中发生了一种称为“应用程序或对象定义错误”的错误。这个错误通常是由于代码中对于工作表、单元格、图表或其他对象的引用出现了问题导致的。 解决这个错误的方法有以下几种: 检查对象引用:首先要确认代码中引用的对象是否存在或者是否正确。例如,如果代码中引...
VBA Runtime Error 1004is a common runtime error that occurs when working with Microsoft Excel macros and, more broadly, with VBA in the Microsoft Office suite. This error is usually associated with the way the program interacts with objects, data, or properties within Excel. The exact text o...
综上所述,解决Excel VBA删除Sheet1时出现运行时错误1004的方法如下: 解除保护:使用ActiveSheet.Unprotect解除保护。 判断存在:使用If SheetExists("Sheet1") Then Sheets("Sheet1").Delete判断Sheet1是否存在。 切换工作表:使用Sheets("Sheet2").Activate切换到其他工作表。 腾讯云提供了一系列与Excel相关的云...
So try changing Range(cmbx_klic1) to Worksheets("data").Range(cmbx_klic1) and similar for Range(cmbx_klic2) Reply kata___ Copper Contributor to HansVogelaarJan 29, 2021 HansVogelaar Thank you, but now there is Run-time error '1004': Application...
VBA: runtime error 1004 : Method range of object - 'Global' failed Hello everyone, I have this error in my code (red part). I guess it´s a just a little mistake, but I can´t find it. Maybe someone can help me. It is made on CommandButton for sort by two keys...
EXAMPLE 5: VBA Runtime Error 1004: file format is not valid This error, like the one in example 5, is related to attempting toopen a file. In this situation, however, we are trying toopen a file that isn’t an Excel file; the file doesn’t have any of the Excel extensions ( ....
-2147417856, Automation Error System Call Failed, Office 2010 'cannot expand named range' error when exporting to excel from vs 2012 "Beep" not working "Run-time error '1004' - Microsoft Excel cannot access the file" "The Image part with relationship ID rId1 was not found in the file" ...
'cannot expand named range' error when exporting to excel from vs 2012 "Beep" not working "Run-time error '1004' - Microsoft Excel cannot access the file" "The Image part with relationship ID rId1 was not found in the file" instead of my actual image in Excel "Unable to cast COM ob...
Have you ever encountered a run time error 424 in Excel? If you do, this post may help you fix this object-required VBA error with several workable solutions. Read on to get your methods and how to fix Excel files once they are damaged.
应该是Object doesnt support this property or method,可以附上代码共同研究学习。