in the do-while loop the value of i is less than 13. In the If condition, if the range value is less than 33, it will return fail in the next column, using the Offset function. Otherwise, it will return pas. A single increment of i is defined. The process continues until the con...
Example 1 – Exit the Do While Loop When Specific Marks of a Student are Found In this example, we will find the student’s marks based on the student’s id and subject using a do-while conditional loop. Using theExit Docommand, when we find our desired value, we’ll exit the loop....
1)通过以上案例可以发现,当我们无法预知数据的总行数,且又需要使用循环挨个进行判断时,这种业务场景就可以使用「WHILE循环结构」。 2)WHILE循环结构分为2大类语法,一种是「WHILE…END」,另一种是「DO WHILE…LOOP」。 好了,这个懒人智能循环结构,你学会了吗? 参考资料:科普中国专家猴子作品合集 《Excel数据分析和...
Excel2007 方法/步骤 1 ExcelVBA do while loop循环的用法上次分享了VB中for循环的用法,这次给大家分享do while loop 的用法。2 Sub aaa()dim aDo While a < 900。。。中间加代码。。。 LoopEnd Sub当a小于900的时候,loop以内的代码循环。3 这里就多分享几个实例给大家,都是我刚学的时候写的东西。现...
2 第一种方法do while...loop:while:类型if语句,当满则某个条件时才进行循环操作。do while...loop 3 功能要求:利用do while...loop实现如下Excel表格中第三列的结果。1、输入如下表格数据:4 2、打开VBE,输入代码;Sub doWhileLoop()Dim rs%rs = 2Do While Cells(rs, 2) <> "" If Cells(rs,...
在Excel VBA中,常用的while循环结构是Do While循环。它的语法如下: ```vba Do While (条件) '执行的代码块 Loop ``` 其中,条件是一个布尔表达式,只要条件为True,就会循环执行代码块。当条件为False时,循环停止。 以下是一个简单的例子,演示了如何使用Do While循环: ```vba Sub WhileLoopExample() Dim i ...
Here are some points to be take care of while using the Do While loop in VBA: Avoid Infinite Loops: To prevent your loop from running indefinitely, make sure it has a condition that will be met eventually. Infinite loops can cause your Excel to crash or freeze. ...
Here is a simple example of using VBA loops in Excel. Suppose you have a dataset and you want to highlight all the cells in even rows. You can use a VBA loop to go through the range and analyze each cell row number. If it turns out to be even, you give it a color, else you...
Private Sub dowhileexample2() Dim i As Integer i = 2 Do i = i + 1 Debug.Print "The value of i is : " & i Loop While i < 3 End Sub Result is shown below. The difference between the 2 syntaxes is that in the first, the Do While condition is evaluated first before any code...
Here is the Do While loop example we demonstrated previously: SubDoWhileLoop()DimnAsIntegern=1DoWhilen<11MsgBox n n=n+1LoopEndSub Loop While Now let’s run the same procedure, except we will move the condition to the end of the loop: ...