If you want to create a sheet, want to delete it, or move or copy it, there’s one thing that you need to know if that sheet exists or not. To write code to check whether the sheet exists or not you need a loop that loops through each sheet in the workbook and matches the name...
Whileworking on worksheets using a macro, you may sometimes need to know if a particular worksheet exists in a workbook or not. Especially, when the worksheets you are working have random names. You either have deleted it or renamed it. I’ll show you how using a macro, you can easily ...
I.VBA Code to Check if Sheet with Name exists? II.VBA function to Check if Sheet Exists III.VBA Worksheet Exists with specific Name in Workbook This Excel vba code will check if sheet with a specific name exists in the workbook. As per Microsoft specifications, You can add as many number...
If d.exists("东门子订单数据") Then MsgBox "存在" Else MsgBox "不存在" End If End Sub 第3种方法: 巧妙运用On Error...错误语句方法来判断是否存在。 Sub 判断工作表是否存在_方法3() Dim sht As Worksheet On Error Resume Next Set sht = Worksheets("东门子订单数据") If Not sht Is Nothing Th...
Function SheetExists(SheetName As String, Optional wb As Excel.Workbook) Dim s As Excel.Worksheet If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ThisWorkbook On Error Resume Next Set s = wb.Sheets(SheetName) On Error GoTo 0 &...
1 首先需要建立一个测试表格,以便可以简单对Worksheet_Deactivate做说明和了解,如下图所示:2 进入到Worksheet_Deactivate事件模式下,在sheet1中点击鼠标右键,如下图所示:3 点击鼠标右键后,找到查看代码,并点击,如下图所示:方法/步骤2 1 接下来就是进入到vbaproject模式下,如下图所示:2 在下拉菜单下找到...
EXCEL表格2007 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/10_7p8odvk76IxDd9DDyUQg 密码在注意事项里面 方法/步骤 1 首先需要设置表格格式,以便可以更加直观的看到Worksheet_Change事件效果,如下图所示:2 需要进入到vbaproject,如下图点击sheet1右击,后点击查看代码,如下图所示:3 接下来就是点击进入到vbaproject项目...
("B2:B" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row) ' 获取单元格值作为工作表名称 sheetName = Trim(cell.Value) ' 检查工作表是否已经存在 If Not WorksheetExists(sheetName) Then ' 如果工作表不存在,则创建 Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = sheetName End If Next cell ...
For Each cell In ws.Range("B2:B" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row) sheetName = Trim(cell.Value) If Not WorksheetExists(sheetName) Then Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = sheetName End If Next cell End Sub ...
Worksheet_Change 有两段代码,合并成一个就好 把最后图片的private sub worksheet_change(byval target as range)这一句改为end select,结束上一个select,如果有if,同样此处结束,或者下面的K3的if改为else if