越界错误(Out of Range Error):通常发生在尝试引用超出有效范围的数组元素或工作表范围时。解决方法是确保引用的索引或范围在有效的范围内。语法错误(Syntax Error):通常发生在VBA代码中存在语法错误或拼写错误时。解决方法是仔细检查代码,确保语法正确,所有关键字、变量和函数都正确拼写。除以零错误(...
Sheets(1).SelectvSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name'获取要打开工作簿名称tBookName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("D6") & ".xls"tPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("D7")'获取当前工作簿路径If tPath = "" Or tPath = "\" ThenFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & tBookNameElse...
In this tutorial, you will learn why Subscript Out of Range (Error 9) occurs and how to deal with while write a VBA code.
我试图比较两个不同工作表中的单元格,如果它们是相同的,我需要执行如下所示的计算。问题是,当我运行时,我在下面的行Run-Time error '9': Subscript out of range上得到了一个Set rng1 = Sheets(“Monday”).Range("K" 浏览2提问于2015-07-01得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在VBA中引用打开的工作簿?
In this tutorial, you will learn why Overflow (Error 6) occurs and how to deal with in while write a VBA code.
如果工作簿名称和工作表名称没有错误的话,那就是引用的不是活动工作表,这句修改如下即可:Set bb = Workbooks("To Fin--Moves").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A8648")或者 Set bb = Workbooks("To Fin--Moves").Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, 1).resize(8647)
calltime) = Price(i) - Price(i - 1) Case ma(i) < Price(i) And ma(i - 1) < Price(i - 1) pprofit(puttime) = Price(i - 1) - Price(i) End SelectNext iReDim cprofit(calltime) As Single, pprofit(puttime) As SingleEnd Sub ...
1 Application-defined or object-defined error 3 Return without GoSub 4 Application-defined or object-defined error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument 6 Overflow 7 Out of memory 8 Application-defined or object-defined error 9 Subscript out of range 10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked ...