End Terminates execution immediately. Never required by itself but may be placed anywhere in a procedure to end code execution, close files opened with the Open statement, and to clear variables. End Function Required to end a Function statement. End If Required to end a block If…Then…Else...
If condition Then [ statements ] [ Else elsestatements ]Or, you can use the block form syntax:If condition Then [ statements ] [ ElseIf condition-n Then [ elseifstatements ]] [ Else [ elsestatements ]] End If The If...Then...Else statement syntax has these parts....
" GoTo a: End If If X > 0 Then Print "x为正数" If X < 0 Then Print "x为负数" 2、块IF语句 语句格式:IF <条件> THEN <语句组1> [ELSE <语句组2>] END IF 语句功能:当条件满足时,执行语句组1;条件不满足时,则执行语句组2。执行完相应语句组后,退出IF...
The End statement can also be used to stop a loop at a specific condition. This can be helpful when the loop needs to be terminated before reaching the limit or when certain criteria are met. For i = 1 to 100 If Cells(i, 1).Value = "End" Then End 'Stops the loop when the cell...
Example Systems and leave your other contacts unchanged. Conditional logic of that sort is where programming really shines. Here, you can use the If statement to tell VBA to run code only if the condition provided is true; otherwise, it should skip to the code after the End If statement. ...
a review of the Excel IF function an example of the Excel 2016 IFS function, and VBA's If...Then...Else statementThis section provides an review of the Excel IF function. The main examples are based on calculation of the amount of tax payable for an Australian resident individual. The ...
计算某些条件后,通常使用 Exit For,例如 If...然后,在“下一步”之后立即将控制权转移到 语句。 可以通过将一个 For...Next 循环放置在另一个循环内来嵌套 For...Next 循环。 为每个循环提供一个唯一的变量名称作为其 counter。 以下构造是正确的: VB 复制 For I = 1 To 10 For J = 1 To 10 ...
Coming back to our specific error (“Expected: end of statement”), let’s write and run some code that will generate the error. Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor and create a new module as seen in the gif below. Step 2: Write or copy and paste the following code: ...
End 枚举 Erase 错误 事件 Exit FileCopy For Each...Next For...Next 函数 获取 GoSub...Return GoTo If...Then...Else Implements Input # Kill Let Line Input # 加载 Lock、Unlock LSet Mid MkDir 名称 On Error On...GoSub、On...GoTo ...
If 条件成立 Then 执行语句 双分支判断 If 条件成立 Then 执行1 Else 执行2 End If '也可以写成一行 '但不推荐这样做,在复制代码时无法自动缩进 If 条件成立 Then 执行语句1 Else 执行语句2 嵌套使用 If条件1Then执行1ElseIf条件2Then执行2Else执行3EndIfEndIf ...