7 Then Range("D" & row).End(xlToLeft).Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 ' exit the loop when we reach row 7 Exit For ' early exit without meeting a condition statement End If ' put any code you want to execute inside the loop Next row MsgBox "Processing row " & row End ...
arrOut, EndTime1, EndTime2) End Function Function DictionaryTest(ByRef myArray() As Long, Lim As Long) As Variant Dim StrtTime As Double, Endtime As Double Dim d As Scripting.Dictionary, i As Long '' Early Binding Set d = New Scripting.Dictionary For i = LBoun...
Sub Nested_Forloop_MultiplicationTable() For r = 1 To 10 For c = 1 To 10 Cells(r + 3, c + 1).Value = r * c Next c Next r End Sub Visual Basic Copy Code Breakdown For r = 1 To 10: This iterates from r = 1 to r= 10. For c = 1 To 10: This iterates from c =...
3 增加一个模块新增加一个VBA模块,贴入如下代码。Option ExplicitPublic Const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 1024Public Const PROCESS_VM_READ = 16Public Const MAX_PATH = 260Public Const WINNT_System_Found = 2Type PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS cb As Long PageFaultCount As Long PeakWorkingSetSize As Lo...
VBA End VBA Exit Sub or Function VBA On Error Exit Sub VBA Option Explicit VBA: Improve Speed & Other Best Practices Loops yes VBA For Loop – Loop Through a Range of Cells Loops - Ultimate Guide For Each Examples (Quick Reference) VBA Exit For VBA Exit Loop While Wend ...
Sub EarlyBinding() Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Set objExcel = New Excel.Application With objExcel .Visible = True .Workbooks.Add .Range( " A1 " ) = " Hello World " End With End Sub 2. 使用CreateObject创建Excel实例 Sub LateBinding() ' Declare a generic object variable Dim objExcel...
VBA End VBA Exit Sub or Function VBA On Error Exit Sub VBA Option Explicit VBA: Improve Speed & Other Best Practices Loops yes VBA For Loop – Loop Through a Range of Cells Loops - Ultimate Guide For Each Examples (Quick Reference) VBA Exit For VBA Exit Loop While Wend ...
End If Debug.Print "The value of i is " & i Next i End Sub In the above example, the MainSub will start execution and print the message “Calling ExitSubExample”. Then the control goes to ExitSubExample Sub. ExitSubExample, will enter the For Loop and loop till i value is less ...
Control structures should be indented to improve readability and reduce programming errors. Paired structures such as If..End If, Do..Loop, For..Next, With..End With, While..Wend, Select Case .. End Select, Type..End Type, etc. should all use indenting to clearly show where they begin...
I was finishing my latest book, The SharePoint Shepherd's Guide for End Users. The book is self-published, and I needed to output the manuscript from Word into a PDF that the printer could use. For that to work, there were several steps I first needed to complete to get the ...