With sender.CreateItemFromTemplate(Tpl) '这两句一定要加上,不然会以纯文本形式发送邮件而不是HTML格式 .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML '邮件先改成HTML格式的,虽然它有模版的HTML字符串, '但这个修改不会使它拿字符串重新渲染格式,所以发送 '的还是纯文本格式的邮件 .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody '这个看着很奇怪,但是...
Sub SetEmailFormatAndSignature() Dim OutlookApp As Object Dim MailItem As Object ' 创建Outlook应用程序对象 Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") ' 创建新的邮件项 Set MailItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0) ' 设置邮件的HTML格式 MailItem.BodyFormat = 2 ' 设置邮件的签名 MailItem.HTML...
.HTMLBody = RangetoHTML(sheet2.range("A5:F10").Value)然后复制下面的函数 Function RangetoHTML(...
Excel VBA to hyperlink in email body from cell reference Hi all, I am trying to use VBA to send emails in HTML format including hyperlinks. I have a file path on Sheet3, E17 cell, i have a code for that. Code: "Click on the link to open the file :<br><br> " & _ "<...
Please try replacing the .HTML part of the code with: Dim DueDate as String DueDate=Format(Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet4").Range("D3").Value,"YYYY-MM-dd") .HTMLBody = "Hello XX,<p> I'm looking to confirm the dates for delivery of your Project information. Per my schedule we requi...
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML.HTMLBody =iBody You could try the following string. I am setting Bcell.Offset(0, -2) as Bold and Bcell.Offset(0, 1) as Red.prettyprint 複製 iBody = "<p>Dear all,</p>" & _ "<p>IN/SSGIFR No. <b>" & Bcell.Offset(0, -2) & "</b> - <...
MailItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML ' 设置为HTML格式 特殊字符转义问题:如果你的邮件正文内容中包含特殊字符,例如尖括号、引号等,可能会导致正文为空。在设置邮件正文内容之前,可以使用Replace函数对特殊字符进行转义,例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 Dim BodyText As String BodyText = "这是包含特殊字符的正文内容" Body...
If XmlHttp.ReadyState = 4 Then HtmlStr = StrConv(XmlHttp.Responsebody, vbUnicode) End Function 方法2: WEBBROWSER控件 Public Function WebDaima(WebBrowser, BuFen) '获取WebBrowser控件中网页源代码 Select Case BuFen Case "Body" '只获取与之间的代码 ...
.BodyFormat = 2 'html format Set olInsp = .GetInspector Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor 'The message body editor Set oRng = wdDoc.Range(0, 0) 'The start of the message body oRng.Text = strMsg 'The accompanying message text .Display 'This line must be retained ...