As we can see in the first do until loop syntax, the 'condition' is checked as the first statement. This means if the condition is true, the do-until loop in syntax 1 will not perform any iterations.Whereas in the second syntax, the 'condition' is checked as the last statement inside...
As you can see in the syntax of Do Loop While, it will first run the statement once and after that, it will go to the condition and test it, and if that condition is true, it will start the loop and continue it while the condition is true. Example to Understand the DO Loop While...
Syntax Do[{While|Until}condition] [statements] [Exit Do] [statements]Loop Or, you can use this syntax: Do[statements] [Exit Do] [statements]Loop[{While|Until}condition] TheDo Loopstatement syntax has these parts: PartDescription conditionOptional.Numeric expressionorstring expressionthat isTrueor...
Syntax Do[{While|Until}condition] [statements] [Exit Do] [statements]Loop Or, you can use this syntax: Do[statements] [Exit Do] [statements]Loop[{While|Until}condition] TheDo Loopstatement syntax has these parts: PartDescription conditionOptional.Numeric expressionorstring expressionthat isTrueor...
DOCTYPE html> SimpleModal Basic Modal Dialog
(R.Value, "No", vbTextCompare) = 0 ThenN.Value=C.ValueElse'Because "Entry is required", prompt until a non-empty response is'received.DostrUserResponse=InputBox("Please enter City, State, and ZIP of"_&" site address","Entry is required")LoopUntilLen(strUserResponse)>0N.Value=str...
Loop End Sub To correct the problem, we need to stop our code from running the loop once X reaches 0. Sub Range_Error() X = 5 Do Until X = 0 Range("A" & X) = "Correct" X = X - 1 Loop End Sub EXAMPLE 2: VBA Run Time Error 1004: That Name is already taken. ...
Excel goes through the loop. In this case,the control variable iCounter decreases by 1 each time Excel repeats the body of the loop. In the case of the Delete_Empty_Rows macro, the value –1 takes the place of the optional item “step” in the general syntax of the For… Next ...
MsgBox “This is the example Yes No Syntax”, vbYesNo Check the below example, it will check if user clicked on Yes or No button. We can also show the Help when user pressing F1 button or Help button. If MsgBox("Do you want to see know the current Time", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then...