可以使用Range对象的Delete方法删除选中单元格区域的功能,语法格式如下 : 表达式.Delete(Shift) 参数Shift可以省略,它用来设置如果调整单元格以替换被删除的单元格。 XlShiftToLeft:单元格向左移动替换被删除的单元格。 XlShiftUp:单元格向上移动替换被删除的单元格。 单元格区域格式的设置: 设置自动套用格式: 使用Lis...
‘删除Sheet1上的单元格区域A1:D10,并将其余单元格左移以填补被删除单元格的位置 Sheet1.Range(“A1:D10”).Delete Shift:=xlShiftToLeft ‘删除指定行 Range(“1:1”).Delete ‘删除指定列 Columns(5).Delete ‘删除当前行 ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete ‘删除工作表中的重复行 Sub DeleteDupes(strSheetNam...
' Debug.Print "第" & i; "行为空白行" ' myRange.Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlShiftUp 'xlShiftToLeft ' '同理,对象.EntireColumn.Delete/Insert ' '这里存在一个逻辑上的陷阱: ' '当空白行(A行)的下一行也为空白行(B行)时,就会出现A行被删除,B行却上移得到保留 ' '的处理。对于...
rng.Copy Destination:=ws.Range("F1")10、Delete:删除。rng.Delete shift:=xlUp 11、EntireColumn,整列;EntireRow,整行。rng.EntireColumn.Deleterng.EntireRow.Delete 12、Find:查找包含指定值的单元格:Set cell = rng.Find(What:=5, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)13、Font:设置字体 With rng.Fo...
Sheet1.Range(“A1:D10”).Delete Shift:=xlShiftToLeft ‘删除指定行 Range(“1:1”).Delete ‘删除指定列 Columns(5).Delete ‘删除当前行 ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete ‘删除工作表中的重复行 Sub DeleteDupes(strSheetName as String,strColLetter as string) ...
And Shift:=xlUp will shifts the cells towards Upper side after deletion of the range. Range(“YourRange”).Delete( [Shift]) The below syntax will delete the entire row of the selected range: Range(“YourRange”).EntireRow.Delete And the below syntax will delete the entire column of the...
There is an optional parameter for the .Delete method: [Shift]. When a specific cell is deleted, the surrounding cells must either shift upwards to fill in the space or left to fill in the space. For example, if the cell B3 is deleted, either the cells in Column B should move up or...
标签:VBA运行下面的VBA过程,将列出当前工作表中所有合并单元格的地址。程序会新建一个工作表并重命名,然后在其中输入所有合并单元格的地址。详细代码: Sub FindandListMergedCells() Dim LastRow As Long Dim LastColumn As Integer Dim r As Long...
Rows((start_row_number + 3) & ":" & (start_row_number + 4)).Delete Shift:=xlUp Range(Cells(start_row_number, 2), Cells(end_row_number - 2, end_column_number)).Select start_row_number = Selection.Row end_row_number = start_row_number + Selection.Rows.Count - 1 ...
s1 = Cells.Find("付款金额", , , 1, 1).Column 区域颜色 Range(Cells(x, s1), Cells(x, s2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Selection.FillRight '右填充 ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True '冻结窗口 Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp '删除行 Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft '删除列 Selection.Insert Shi...