在不使用On Error GoTo 0语句的情况下,退出过程时将自动禁用错误处理程序。程序在运行过程中我们可以用On Error Resume Next语句屏蔽掉某段代码中可能出现的预知的不要处理的错误,如果接下来,一切是未知的,我们需要启动错误处理或者错误的捕获,就可以用On Error GoTo 0 来实现。2 On Error GoTo 0 语句的实...
Break on Unhandled Errors: This is the default setting that helps you to know about all the errors where you are not using any error handling technique and stop the code for all the unhandled errors. (But, if you’re using objects such as Userforms, this will not highlight the line cau...
440Automation error 441Application-defined or object-defined error 442Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost 443Automation object doesn't have a default value 444Application-defined or object-defined error ...
Error handling is one of the most commonly omitted features in Excel applications. This is not an acceptable state of affairs. The last thing you want your users to see is an unvarnished Excel or VBA runtime error. They will most surely not understand what they are seeing, and they will ...
If no error handling is in place, when an Access application crashes, you or your user are prompted with a message box similar to the one in Figure 1.Figure 1. VBA/VB6 default error messageAssuming that you’re not running an MDE, when you click Debug, you open the IDE at the...
Sub 过程名() i = 1 s = 0 '初始值为0可略 While i <= 100 s = s + i i =...
An amateur application typically crashes or confronts the user with the default Access error dialog whenever it encounters a null value or doesn't properly instantiate an object variable. Professional applications are much more tolerant of errors and exceptions and, when they do occur, handle them ...
Default Error MessagesYou have all used applications that did not have very good error handling and found yourself getting booted out of the application without warning or faced with unfriendly messages like the ones you saw earlier in this chapter. You do not want such problems to happe...
The importance of this best practice rule becomes more obvious when used with less popular objects, for example like Names, where the default member of the Names property is .RefersTo (neither .Name nor .Value). 7) Error handling ...
We can use “on error” to handle errors in a macro. You can refer to code below to handle the errors: prettyprint Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection Dim oRs As ADODB.Recordset Dim sSQL As String Dim cmd As Command 'Open a connection. On Error GoTo AdoError Set oConn = New ADODB...