Excel VBA Declare Array The declaration of the array in VBA is similar to that of variables performed by the same dim statement or static public or private statement. The only difference between declaring an array and declaring a variable is that while declaring an array, we have to provide ...
To write code that is as compact as possible, explicitly declare your arrays to be of a data type other than Variant.The following lines of code compare the size of several arrays.vb Kopiëren ' Integer array uses 22 bytes (11 elements * 2 bytes). ReDim MyIntegerArray(10) As ...
Erase释放动态数组使用的内存。 在程序再次引用动态数组之前,它必须使用ReDim语句重新声明数组变量的维度。 示例 此示例使用Erase语句重新初始化固定大小数组的元素,并解除分配动态数组存储空间。 VB复制 ' Declare array variables.DimNumArray(10)AsInteger' Integer array.DimStrVarArray(10)AsString' Variable-string...
IsArray (varname)必需的 varname 参数是指定变量的标识符。备注 “IsArray”在变量是数组时返回“True”;否则返回“False”。“IsArray” 对包含数组的变量尤其有⽤ ⽰例:此⽰例使⽤ IsArray 函数检查变量是否是数组。Dim MyArray(1 To 5) As Integer, YourArray, MyCheck ' Declare array variable...
' Declare array variables. Dim NumArray(10) As Integer ' Integer array. Dim StrVarArray(10) As String ' Variable-string array. Dim StrFixArray(10) As String * 10 ' Fixed-string array. Dim VarArray(10) As Variant ' Variant array. Dim DynamicArray() As Integer ' Dynamic array. Re...
Type StateData CityCode (1To100)AsInteger' Declare a static array.CountyAsString*30EndTypeDimWashington(1To100)AsStateData 在前面的示例中,StateData包括CityCode静态数组,并且记录Washington的结构与 相同StateData。 在用户定义的类型中声明固定大小的数组时,必须使用数值文本或常量而非变量来声明其维度。
Sub VBA_IsArray_Function_Ex() 'Declare an array variable Dim sInput As String 'Define an Array values sInput = "VBAF1" 'Find Array Upper Bound MsgBox "Variable(sInput) is an Array or Not: " & isarray(sInput), vbInformation, "VBAF1" ...
To declare a variable that will refer to an instance of the Excel Worksheet clas Dim ws1 As Worksheet To put a reference into it Set ws1 = Worksheets(“Sheet1”) 对象集合 There is a special form of objects known as Collections
4、Sheet1.ListBox1.List = Array('一月', '二月', '三月', '四月')'一次性增加项目 5、Sheet2.Rows(1).Value = Sheet1.Rows(1).Value'将一个表中的一行全部拷贝到另一个表中 6、Sub pro_cell()'将此代码放入sheet1,则me=sheet1,主要是认识me Me.Unprotect Cells.Locked = False Range('D11...
Also use aPublicstatement to declare the object type of a variable. 以下语句为新的工作表实例声明一个变量: VB复制 PublicXAsNewWorksheet 如果在声明对象变量时未使用New关键字 (keyword) ,则必须使用Set语句为引用对象的变量分配现有对象,然后才能使用它。 在为其分配对象之前,声明的对象变量具有特殊值Nothing...