' Declare MyObject as Variant data type.DimMyObject' Declare MyObject as Object data type.DimMyObjectAsObject' Declare MyObject as Font type.DimMyObjectAsFont 如果使用对象变量却没有实现声明,则默认是Variant(多样变量) 使用Set将对象变量分配给变量 SetMyObject = YourObject' Assign object reference.Set...
SetMyObject =NewObject' Create and Assign 将对象变量设置为等于Nothing将中断对象变量与任何特定对象的关联。 这将防止因意外更改变量而更改对象。 关闭关联的对象后,对象变量始终设置为Nothing,以便可以测试对象变量是否指向有效的对象。 例如: VB IfNotMyObjectIsNothingThen' Variable refers to valid object.. ....
SetMyObject =NewObject' Create and Assign 将对象变量设置为等于Nothing将中断对象变量与任何特定对象的关联。 这将防止因意外更改变量而更改对象。 关闭关联的对象后,对象变量始终设置为Nothing,以便可以测试对象变量是否指向有效的对象。 例如: VB IfNotMyObjectIsNothingThen' Variable refers to valid object.. ....
In many programming languages, you can assign a value to the variable in the same statement that you use to declare it. In VBA, declaring VBA variables is optional, but you can’t declare AND set the variable at the same time. Instead, you’ll need tocreate a new line that assigns a...
' Declare MyObject as Variant data type.DimMyObject' Declare MyObject as Object data type.DimMyObjectAsObject' Declare MyObject as Font type.DimMyObjectAsFont 注意 如果您未先宣告物件變數,則物件變數的數據類型預設為Variant。 當特定物件類型在程式執行之前未知時,您可以使用Object資料類型宣告物件變數。
' Declare array variables. Dim NumArray(10) As Integer ' Integer array. Dim StrVarArray(10) As String ' Variable-string array. Dim StrFixArray(10) As String * 10 ' Fixed-string array. Dim VarArray(10) As Variant ' Variant array. Dim DynamicArray() As Integer ' Dynamic array. Re...
TheNewkeyword can't be used to declare variables of any intrinsicdata typeor to declare instances of dependent objects, and it can't be used withWithEvents. typeOptional. Data type of the variable; may beByte,Boolean,Integer,Long,Currency,Single,Double,Decimal(not currently supported),Date,Str...
SetMyObject =NewObject' Create and Assign 将对象变量设置为等于Nothing将中断对象变量与任何特定对象的关联。 这将防止因意外更改变量而更改对象。 关闭关联的对象后,对象变量始终设置为Nothing,以便可以测试对象变量是否指向有效的对象。 例如: VB IfNotMyObjectIsNothingThen' Variable refers to valid object.. ....
Public可选。 指示Property Set过程可以由所有模块中的所有其他过程访问。 如果在包含Option Private语句的模块中使用此过程,则此过程在项目的外部不可用。 Private可选。 指示Property Set过程仅能由声明它的模块中的其他过程访问。 Friend可选。 仅在类模块中使用。 指示Property Set过程在整个项目中可见,但对于对象...
You should try and avoid calling a function without assigning the return value to a variable. You should always declare the datatypes of each parameter and also of the return type. Any parameters passed to a function must be enclosed in parentheses. ...