Step 3:In the Declarations Section, under the ‘Option Explicit’ command, declare your global variable with Global (you can also use public) keyword. Note:You can only declare the variable under the Option Explicit. But it cannot be used to initialize the variable else it will throw a comp...
If you declare a variable at the top of a module with thePrivate statementit is not global level, its module level. Publicg_sProjectLevelAsString Globalg_sProjectLevelAsString You must insert these statements at the very top of your modules, before any procedures or functions. ...
想使用VBA直接调用Python脚本 Python脚本如下: import time def hello(name): return "Hello, " + ...
You can also use aPrivatestatement to declare the object type of a variable. 以下语句为新的工作表实例声明一个变量: VB复制 PrivateXAsNewWorksheet 如果在声明对象变量时未使用New关键字 (keyword) ,则必须使用Set语句为引用对象的变量分配现有对象,然后才能使用它。 在为其分配对象之前,声明的对象变量具有特...
PublicNumberAsInteger' Public Integer variable.PublicNameArray(1To5)AsString' Public array variable.' Multiple declarations, two Variants and one Integer, all Public.PublicMyVar, YourVar, ThisVarAsInteger 另請參閱 資料類型 陳述式 支援和意見反應 ...
You can also enterprocedure-leveldeclarations. For whatever code level and technique you use to declare a variable or constant, specificscopingrules may apply. To open the Declarations section of a module In theProjectwindow, select the form, standard, or class module that you want to open, an...
DimTextLine Open"TESTFILE"ForInputAs#1 ' Open file. Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file. Line Input #1, TextLine' Read line into variable.Debug.Print TextLine' Print to the Immediate window.LoopClose#1 ' Close file.
\n You can force yourself to declare all variables by using Option Explicit statement.\n\n In addition, avoid using the Variant data type as much as possible because it will cost the VBA interpreter/compiler some extra steps to determine what the most appropriate data type should be used!
' Declare array variables. Dim NumArray(10) As Integer ' Integer array. Dim StrVarArray(10) As String ' Variable-string array. Dim StrFixArray(10) As String * 10 ' Fixed-string array. Dim VarArray(10) As Variant ' Variant array. Dim DynamicArray() As Integer ' Dynamic array. Re...
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib ''kernel32'' Alias ''RtlZeroMemory'' (dest As Any, ByVal Bytes As Long) ''定义数组,填充数据 Dim a(1000) As Long For i = 1 To UBound(a) a(i) = i Next ''从a(200)开始清除100个元素内容 ...