Form1.playSound(Form1.soundLike.over, true); ActiveForm1.TopMost = false; //driver.SwitchTo().Window(GetCurrentWindowHandle(driver)); driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.CurrentWindowHandle); try { //driver.SwitchTo().Window(GetCurrentWindowHandle(driver)); driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.Curren...
Now this is the first part of the code, and when running Outlook, it gives me the following error: "Compile Error: Invalid Character" The debugger underlines the _ character in the following line: "sndPlaySoundA" _ 'On the next line change the file name and path of the sound you want...
IIf(code.IsSurrogate(subAdrs), UrlEncode(subAdrs), code.UrlEncode_Big5UnicodOLNLY(subAdrs))) Else strLnk = rng.Hyperlinks(1).Address End If If SeleniumOP.IsWDInvalid Then SystemSetup.playSound 0.484 Shell getDefaultBrowserFullname + " " + strLnk + " --remote-debugging-port=9222 " ' App...
sound before running any more code sndPlaySound WavFileName, 0 Else ' play sound while code is running sndPlaySound WavFileName, 1 End If End Sub Sub TestPlayWavFile() PlayWavFile "c:\foldername\soundfilename.wav", False MsgBox "This is visible while the sound is playing..." PlayWav...
(pfnEbHideCode, AddressOf EbHideCode_user) = False Then Exit Function End If 'showing parser error to dev pfnEbShowError = apiGetProcAddress(hVba, "EbShowError") If pfnEbShowError = 0 Then Exit Function If cHook.HookFunction(pfnEbShowError, AddressOf EbShowError_user) = False Then...
A function implementing the variant vector-base intensity panning [ref.4] is also included. Recently, both VBAP and VBIP have been additionaly used for the design of robust ambisonic decoding matrices, see [ref.5&6]. The code is written by Archontis Politis, except the core vbap() ...