strErrorDescr=Err.Description' -- Notify the user.strMessage="Error "&CStr(in4ErrorCode)&" occurred while "_&strActionInProgressIfLen(strEmailAddress)>0ThenstrMessage=strMessage&" for "&strEmailAddressEndIfstrMessage=strMessage&":"&vbCrLf&strErrorDescr_&vbCrLf&vbCrLf&strFileToAtt...
'我一直是这样用的Sub SendMail()Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")Set objMail = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)With objMail .To = "收件人邮箱地址" .Subject = "邮件主题" .Body = "邮件正文内容" .Attachments.Add "附件完整路径,如:D:\1.docx" .Sen...
Public Sub AutosaveAttachtoDisk(itm As Outlook.MailItem) Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment Dim saveFolder As String 'You can change your directory path here. saveFolder = "C:\Users\haha\Documents\Outlook VBA test folder" For Each objAtt In itm.Attachments 'you can modify the file name by ...
我正在Outlook vba中使用以下代码创建电子邮件,附加文件并发送电子邮件.它工作正常,除了我不知道如何在单个电子邮件中添加多个附件?任何帮助将不胜感激. Sub CreateEmail(Subject As String, Body As String, ToSend As String, CCs As String, FilePathtoAdd As String) ...
outlook vba开发要点 1.学学基础的VB语法 2.找一个样例看看 VBA编程实现自动回复邮件 3.改造样例 取msdn上看看开发文档
recipient strings ' '32'You are free to use this code within your application(s) ' as long as the copyright notice and this message remains intact.3334OnErrorGoToErrorHandler:3536DimMAPISessionAsOutlook.NameSpace37DimMAPIFolderAsOutlook.MAPIFolder38DimMAPIMailItemAs...
Copy the following code in the window that appears. Sub PasteMultipleRangeinMail() Dim FilePath As String Dim Outlook As Object Dim OutlookMail As Object Dim HTMLBody As String Dim rng As Range Dim Sheet As Worksheet Dim AcSheet As Worksheet ...