SaveAs(FileName,FileFormat,Password,WriteResPassword,ReadOnlyRecommended,CreateBackup,AccessMode,ConflictResolution,AddToMru,TextCodepage,TextVisualLayout,Local) 1、前面几个主要参数 ThisWorkbook.SaveAs 'filename(文件名) ,fileformat(文件格式),password(密码) 第一个参数为文件名称:可以为全路径名;也可以不含...
. code 删除一个文件 kill c:\1.txt 定制自己的状态栏 Application.StatusBar = 现在时刻 : Time 恢复自己的状态栏 Application.StatusBar = false 在运行期执行一个宏 Application.Run macro:=text 滚动窗口到 a1 的位置 ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1 定制系统日期 Dim MyDate, ...
SellerName = SelectedNode.Text Set SelectedNode = xmld.SelectSingleNode("//ofd:TextObject[@ID='6928']/ofd:TextCode") SellerTaxID = SelectedNode.Text Set SelectedNode = xmld.SelectSingleNode("//ofd:TextObject[@ID='6942']/ofd:TextCode") Amount = SelectedNode.Text Set SelectedNode = xmld.Selec...
Value of "i" is lookup value. So this generates a table for each "i" For this the following code generates individual pdf files for each "i", but I need all files merged into a single pdf file. Please help me to edit this code. Sub tt() Dim i As Integer Dim fname As String ...
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _ filename:=loc End Sub Press theF5 keyor click on theRun Subbutton to run the code. The file has been saved as a PDF with the automatic file name. Method 3 – Print PDF File from Excel with VBA in Range ...
Excel是一种电子表格软件,广泛应用于数据分析、数据处理、报表生成等工作场景。在Excel中,可以将工作表从关闭的文件打印为PDF格式,以便于共享、存档或打印。 要将工作表从关闭的文件打印为PDF...
To modify your VBA code to print to PDF in Excel, you can use the "ExportAsFixedFormat" method. Here's how you can adapt your code for printing to a PDF file: For printing the active sheet as a PDF: vba code: Sub PRINT_PAGE_PDF()Application.ScreenUpdating=False Application.Calculation=...
Sub procedureName() 'body of your code End Sub Visual Basic复制 例子 Sub PrintMessage() MsgBox 'Welcome to Excelgraduate!' End Sub Visual Basic复制 2. 功能流程 在VBA 中,Function 过程是执行特定任务的代码块,与 Sub 过程类似,但具有返回值的附加功能。它包含在 Function 和 End Function 语句中,并...
The code works fine with any sheet except "Dashboard". That sheet in any combination (even on its own) causes a Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error on the second line. Selection is fine, export to PDF runs into this bug. Please advise. excel vba pd...