395Application-defined or object-defined error 400Form already displayed; can't show modally 402Code must close topmost modal form first 419Permission to use object denied 422Property not found 423Property or method not found 424Object required ...
It’s important to check your codes and find possible errors in all the debugging ways you have. But, the best and most effective way is to create error-handling statements that can deal with an error and make your code flawless while executing. Let’s learn about these statements. When a...
All the errors we talk about in this chapter are runtime errors—errors that occur while your code is executing. The other type of error, the compile-time error, should not be a factor at this ... GetProfessional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microso...
IfErr.Number <>0Then N =1 EndIf 第三种形式, On Error Goto <label>:,是最常用的方式。这个语句告诉VBA,当出现异常的时候,跳到Label标识的异常处理块去执行。例如: OnErrorGotoErrHandler: N =1/0'cause an error ' 'more code ' ExitSub ErrHandler: 'error handling code ResumeNext End Sub 请注意...
On Error GoTo 0 disables error handling in the current procedure. It doesn't specify line 0 as the start of the error-handling code, even if the procedure contains a line numbered 0. Without an On Error GoTo 0 statement, an error handler is automatically disabled when a procedure is ...
Reason #8: VBA Code Attempts to Activate Range on a Worksheet that is Not Active Dealing with Error 1004 Through Error Handling What is the VBA Runtime Error 1004? Runtime errors are those errors that occur when you run the VBA code. ...
Error handling is one of the most important fundamental skills all professional developers should have. There are many ways to implement error handling, and far more ways to do it wrong than right. It seems so easy—just add a few lines of code to trap errors and the rest takes care of...
Figure 2. Setting error trapping/handling options for Visual Basic and VBAMake sure that error trapping is not set to Break On All Errors. That setting will cause your code to stop on every error, even errors you are properly handling with On Error Resume Next....
code shown below is a modified version of Microsoft's snippet. The code seems to work just fine in Windows 8 and 10 as tested during September 2015. Error handling has been added to the function in order to return True (text copied) or False (an error occured) to the calling procedure...
Sub 过程名() i = 1 s = 0 '初始值为0可略 While i <= 100 s = s + i i =...