57 [示例04-04-02] 58 Sub ShowAllSheets() 59 MsgBox "使当前工作簿中的所有工作表都显示(即将隐藏的工作表也显示)" 60 Dim ws As Worksheet 61 For Each ws In Sheets 62 ws.Visible = True 63 Next ws 64 End Sub 65 [示例04-05]获取工作表数(Count属性) 66 [示例04-05-01] 67 Sub Workshe...
请参阅 SheetFollowHyperlink 事件。 Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) Target Hyperlink 类型,必需。一个代表超链接目标位置的 Hyperlink 对象。 本示例对在当前活动工作簿中访问过的所有链接保留一个列表或历史记录。 Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) Wi...
Worksheet对象是**Worksheets* 集合的成员。 Worksheets 集合包含工作簿中的所有 Worksheet 对象。 Worksheet对象对象也是*Sheets* 集合的一个成员。 Sheets 集合包含工作簿中所有的工作表(图表工作表和工作表)。 事件 Activate 事件:激活工作簿、工作表、图表工作表或嵌入式图表时发生此事件。 BeforeDelete 事件:在工作...
To clear an entire sheet using a VBA code in one go, you need to use two things: first is the CLEAR method, and thenCELLS to refer to all the cellsof a worksheet. Clearing a sheet with a VBA code is like resetting everything in the worksheet. This tutorial will look at using the ...
You can access entire column as a range using the Worksheet.Columns object Something like: Worksheets(sheetname).Columns(1).ClearContents should clear contents of A column There is also the Worksheet.Rows object if you need to do something similar for rows The error you are receiving is l...
Sub Clearsheet() Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Delete End Sub Delete Entire Worksheet Method Another option in Excel VBA is to completely remove the worksheet from the file. This action requires a simple alteration in the VBA code: instead of clearing contents or deleting cells, you directly delete ...
activecell.clear'清除所有 on error resume next on error goto 100 range("a2").copy range("b2") range("a2").currentregion.copy sheets(2).[a1] n=cells.find("*",,,1,2).row application.screenupdate=false/true'屏幕刷新 cells.find("aaa",,,1,1).column range(cells(x,1),cells(x,19)...
Dim Sheet_Save As Worksheet, path$ Set Sheet_Save = Worksheets("process_sheet") Sheet_Save.Copy With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs ThisWorkbook.path & "\点表文件\" & DataName(i), FileFormat:=xlCSV .Close True End With 'clear Worksheets("process_sheet").Cells.ClearContents ...
vba的active可以作为前缀, 使用在很多对象的前面, 如: activeworksheet, activeCell, activeRange... 设置选择区域的边框//边线, 使用的 对象和属性是: selection.border(xlEdgeRight).. : 你可以直接使用 border属性, 要么你就使用某一条边框: borders(xlEdgeTop)但是这里的borders就要用 "复数" borders. ...
I need to fill a range from 10,000 all the way until the end of the column. I have the lRow variable that is finding the last row, and then I have the IF loop that is filling the range just like I need to. The clear contents part is to remove any previous values and fill new...