•Clipboard.SetText:将文本数据复制到剪贴板。 •Clipboard.SetPicture:将图片数据复制到剪贴板。 获取剪贴板内容 •Clipboard.GetText:读取剪贴板中的文本数据。 •Clipboard.GetPicture:读取剪贴板中的图片数据。 清除剪贴板 •Clipboard.Clear:清除剪贴板中的所有内容。 示例 将文本数据复制到剪贴板: Clipboard...
tempData.PutInClipboard ' Gets the text on the clipboard into a string variable tempData.GetFromClipboard clipboardString = "" clipboardString = tempData.GetText ' Visual Basic .NETcode Dim clipboardString As String ' Clears the clipboard My.Computer.Clipboard.Clear() ' Puts the text from an Exc...
' Gets the text on the clipboard into a string variable tempData.GetFromClipboard clipboardString = "" clipboardString = tempData.GetText ' Visual Basic .NETcode Dim clipboardString As String ' Clears the clipboard My.Computer.Clipboard.Clear() ' Puts the text from an Excel cell into the clip...
Cleartheclipboard Application.CutCopyMode=False Next i End Sub Sub DeleteRowsWithNoResult2(ws As Worksheet,tbl As ListObject)Dim result2Column As Range Dim cell As Range ' SettheResult2column range Set result2Column=tbl.ListColumns("Result 2").DataBodyRange ' Loopthrougheach cell...
tblSummaries ' Clear the clipboard Application.CutCopyMode = False Next i End Sub Sub DeleteRowsWithNoResult2(ws As Worksheet, tbl As ListObject) Dim result2Column As Range Dim cell As Range ' Set the Result 2 column range Set result2Column = tbl.ListColumns("Resul...
",vbCritical,"API Clipboard Copy"G Clear the Clipboard You may need to clear the clipboard, if your program copies sensitive information in it, like passwords, credit card or medical info. Here is how to do it with API calls. Please place the API declarations shown below at the top of ...
Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText Text1.Text 用ANSI复制,则会根据输入法状态在UNICODE软件中出现中文乱码问题;如果用UNICODE复制,则无法粘贴到ANSI软件中(如VB6制作的软件中出现"???")。 所以我想到:两种格式一起设置,粘贴时可以各取所需! Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As ...
上述代码中,首先通过ClipboardFormatsAvailable函数检查剪贴板中是否有数据。然后,通过DataObject对象获取剪贴板数据,并使用GetFormat方法检测是否为文本格式的粘贴操作。如果检测到粘贴操作,则可以执行相应的操作或处理,例如弹出消息框提示用户。 对于VBA中检测粘贴操作的应用场景,可以在需要对用户粘贴操作进行监控和处理的情况...
As you trace through this code, you will see the word “sample” entered into cell A1 of the active worksheet, changed to appear in boldface, copied to the Clipboard, and pasted as normal text into the cell A2. Then you can begin to see what Excel VBA programming is all about! Let...
VBA Clear Clipboard How do you clear the content stored in the clipboard, you ask? There are several ways to clear your clipboard. The simplest is to set your clipboard equal to an empty string. Set Clipboard to Empty String Windows 7 and earlier ...