I am using the following code to clear the contents of a row, as part of a "clear button" I've created in my spreadsheet, but there's one Cell in each row that has a quotient formula in it. I would like to clear the Contents of the row, but keep the format (...
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row End With 2. code a loop untilLastrowto detect which row has G =0 then clear-contents from A-J columns only for that row then copy 1 row up all the records below it. if a record is clearedLastrow = Lastrow -1 3...
(75) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(“sheet1”).Visible=xlSheetVisible ‘显示被隐藏的工作表 (76) ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ProtectContents ‘检查工作表是否受到保护 (77) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add Count:=2, Before:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2) 或 ThisWorkbook.Workshees.Add ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2), , 2 ‘...
(28) Cells.Select ‘选定当前工作表的所有单元格 (29) Range(“A1”).ClearContents '清除活动工作表上单元格A1中的Selection.ClearContents '清除选定区域内容Range(“A1:D4”).Clear '彻底清除A1至D4单元格区域的内容,包括格式 (30) Cells.Clear '清除工作表中所有单元格的内容 (31) ActiveCell.Offset(1,0...
相邻的单元格显示Yes或No response。我在网络上研究的那个功能运行得很好。我正在尝试对所有的单元格执行clear.contents,这样用户就可以完成测验,清除所有的回答,再试一次。我不想只清除包含用户输入的395个不相邻的单元格,而是整个列。Sub Test_Clear() Range(&qu...
The clear contents part is to remove any previous values and fill new ones. The Range("E2").Value = 1 is there to start the series. The problem is I can't get it to fill the Range("F2:F" & lRow) in a step value of 10,000. The macro just fills out in a step value of ...
也是就要有如下图的形式 这是文本的数据格式 但在实际工作中如果用“单元格格式--文本”又是不行...
activecell.clear'清除所有 on error resume next on error goto 100 range("a2").copy range("b2") range("a2").currentregion.copy sheets(2).[a1] n=cells.find("*",,,1,2).row application.screenupdate=false/true'屏幕刷新 cells.find("aaa",,,1,1).column range(cells(x,1),cells(x,19)...
vba数组索引 vba数组引用,使用Redim动态数组即可。Subtest1()Dima()AsInteger,iRowAsLong,iAsIntegeriRow=Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).RowReDima(iRow-1)Fori=1ToUBound(a)a(i-1)=Range
Set objExcel = Getobject(, "Excel.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then blnExcelWasNotRunning = True Err.Clear ' 如果发生错误则要清除 Err 对象。 Set objExcel = Getobject("C:\excel.xlsx") ' 将对象变量设为对要看的文件的引用。 ' 设置其 Application 属性,显示 Microsoft Excel。然后使用 ...