You'll get that error of the specified row doesn't contain any fixed values. To avoid the error, insert the line OnErrorResumeNext at the beginning of the macro. But ClearContents should only delete the cell contents, not their formatting. When you enter a value again, ...
While the ‘Clear Contents‘ method is widely used for basic data removal, it doesn’t address additional worksheet formatting like cell shading, borders, or conditional formatting. If your goal is to completely reset the sheet, including all formatting, a minor modification in the Excel VBA code...
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(“sheet1”).Visible=xlSheetVisible ‘显示被隐藏的工作表 (115) ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ProtectContents ‘检查工作表是否受到保护 (116) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add Count:=2, _ Before:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2) 或ThisWorkbook.Workshees.Add ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2), , 2 ‘在第...
上下左右无空行33、Cells.Select'选定当前工作表的所有单元格34、Range("A1").ClearContents'清除活动工作表上单元格 A1中的内容Selection.ClearContents'清除选定区域内容Range("A1:D4").Clear'彻底清除 A1至 D4 单元格区域的内容,包括格式35、Cells.Clear'清除工作表中所有单元格的内容36、ActiveCell.Offset(...
numValues = sourceRange.Rows.Count For i = 1 To numValues destinationRange.Offset(0, i - 1).Value = sourceRange.Cells(i).Value Next i ' Clear the contents of input cells sourceSheet.Range("D9:D10").ClearContents sourceRange.ClearContents...
I need to fill a range from 10,000 all the way until the end of the column. I have the lRow variable that is finding the last row, and then I have the IF loop that is filling the range just like I need to. The clear contents part is to remove any previous values and fill new...
How would I clear the contents of a column from cell A3 to cell __ where __ represents the last entry in the column (assuming there are no empty spaces between entries). Thanks for the help. vba excel Share Improve this question Follow edited Apr 2, 2018 at 18:31 ashleedawg 21.3...
SubClearClipboard2()ClipBoard_SetData""EndSub A more thorough way of clearing your clipboard with VBA is to use our good friend, theuser32library. Clear Entire Clipboard Contents '!!!'These first 3 declarations are only needed if you used Solution 1'!!!PrivateDeclareFunctionOpenClipboardLib"use...
Sub ClearSheet() Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.ClearContents End Sub 1. 2. 3. 操作方法:使用 A1 表示法引用单元格和区域 可使用 Range 属性引用 A1 引用样式中的单元格或单元格区域。下述子例程将单元格区域 A1:D5 的字体设置为加粗。 Sub FormatRange() Workbooks("Book1").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("...
Range(「A1:D4」).Clear '彻底清除A1至D4单元格区域的内容,包括格式 (35) Cells.Clear '清除工作表中所有单元格的内容 (36)ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select '活动单元格下移一行,同理,可下移一列 (37) Range(「A1」).Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)或Range(「A1」).Offset(,1)『偏移一列 Range(「A1」)...