Sub CheckIfSheetExists() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim sheetName As String Dim sheetExists As Boolean ' Assign the name of the sheet you're looking for to sheetName sheetName = "Sales" ' Initialize sheetExists to False sheetExists = False ' Loop through all worksheets in the workbook For Each...
我们还可以通过使用 VBA 打开文件并使用上面示例中使用的If else语句的For each循环来检查已关闭的 Excel 文件中的工作表。 让我们尝试在一个封闭的 excel 文件中检查工作表。 代码: #VBA Sub checkSheet() Dim book As Workbook Dim sheet As Worksheet Dim Name As String Name = "Sheet1" Application.Scree...
check if a sheet exists sheet_exists <- function(workbook, sheet_name) { sheets <- workbook$Sheets() for (i in 1:sheets$Count()) { if (sheets$Item(i)$Name() == sheet_name) { return(TRUE) } } return(FALSE) } # Check if the sheet exists sheet_name <- "Sheet1" # Replace ...
If you want to create a sheet, want to delete it, or move or copy it, there’s one thing that you need to know if that sheet exists or not. To write code to check whether the sheet exists or not you need a loop that loops through each sheet in the workbook and matches the name...
WorksheetExists = True Exit Function End If Next Sht WorksheetExists = False End Function In order to check, we will use UDF in cell B2 as =WorksheetExists(A2) In the above image, “MasterSheet” does not exist in our sample workbook; hence, formula has given an...
chkWorkSheetExists = Not sSht Is Nothing' Return true if worksheets exists.End Function 📋 In the above example, I havehardcodedthe worksheet name (Sheet2) that I want to check in my current workbook. The propertyThisWorkBookreturns the current workbook object. ...
#VBA Sub checkSheet() Dim book As Workbook Dim sheet As Worksheet Dim Name As String Name = "Sheet1" Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set book = Workbooks.Open _ ("C:\Users\Hp9470\Documents\Book2.xlsx") For Each sheet In book.Worksheets If sheet.Name = Name Then book.Close SaveChang...
但此时是并不能看到有一个Excel文件被打开的,这个已经被VBA隐式打开的文件,只能使用VBA进行操作,在使用上与显式打开后得到的workbook对象没什么区别,如获取其中的工作表对象、获取它的名字、关闭它等,都是一样的。这里就不举例了。 3. 创建工作薄 通常流程是:创建工作薄、给默认的工作表(Sheet1)改名、写数据、...
The usual reason to check if a file exists is to avoid an error when attempting to open it. How about using the error handler to deal with that: Function openFileTest(filePathName As String, ByRef wkBook As Workbook, _ errorHandlingMethod As Long) As Boolean 'Returns True if file...
("yourAppId", "yourSecretId", "yourSecretKey"); // 指定要检查的工作簿文件路径 String bucketName = "yourBucketName"; String key = "path/to/workbook.xlsx"; // 检查工作簿是否存在 ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = cosClient.getObjectMetadata(bucketName, key); if (objectMetadata != null) { ...