1)) = CDate(arr(j, 10)) Then If arr(i, 5) <> 0 Then If CDbl(arr(i, 5)) =...
If arr(i, 3) <> "" Then For j = 1 To UBound(arr) If CDate(arr(i, 1)) = CDate(arr(j, 10)) Then If arr(i, 5) <> 0 Then If CDbl(arr(i, 5)) = CDbl(arr(j, 11)) Thenarr(i, 5) = 0 arr(j, 11) = 0 GoTo NextFor End If ElseIf arr(i, 4) <> 0 Then If...
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() If Not IsDate(ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value) And ActiveSheet.Range("A1").NumberFormat <> "m/d/yyyy" Then MsgBox "Date is not valid" End If End Sub I want code to check 2 things.value in cell must be date and date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format ...
1 Function CHECKID(ID_CODE As Range, FUNCTION_NUM As Integer)Dim myReg As ObjectDim sum_num As Integerfactor = Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2) '身份证号加权因子Check_code = Array("1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", ...
19 CHECKID = Application.WorksheetFunction.text(Mid(ID_CODE.Value, 7, 8), "0-00-00") 20 Case 3 '返回性别 21 If code(16) Mod 2 = 0 Then CHECKID = "女" Else CHECKID = "男" 22 Case 4 '返回周岁年龄 23 birthdate = Application.WorksheetFunction.text(Mid(ID_CODE.Value, 7, 8),...
" ElseIf Year(Date) - Val(Mid(IDcode, 7, 4)) > 120 Then Sheets(1).Cells(i, 2) = "表示出生日期的号码不正确—" & Chr(10) & "此人已亡故!" Else '判别最后一位校验码是否正确 CheckCode = 0 For j = 1 To 17 CheckCode = CheckCode + Val(Mid(IDcode, j,...
wkb As Workbook 'Checkthisline too Const fileExtencion=".xlsx"'thisis to checkifalready...
' 可以根据需要进行其他处理,比如清空单元格的值或者设置默认值 End If Next cell End Sub 在上述示例中,我们首先通过Range对象设置要验证的单元格区域(这里是A1到A10),然后使用For Each循环遍历每个单元格。在循环中,我们使用IsDate函数判断单元格的值是否为日期,如果不是日期,则弹出一个消息框提示错误信息。 这...
Dim empNo As String Dim checkInTime As Date Dim checkInType As String Dim remarks As String Dim status As String checkInNo = wsCheckIns.Cells(i, 1).Value empNo = wsCheckIns.Cells(i, 2).Value checkInTime = wsCheckIns.Cells(i, 3).Value checkInType = wsCheckIns...
= startDate wsRooms.Cells(roomRow.Row, 5).Value = endDate wsRooms.Cells(roomRow.Row, 6).Value = guestName & "预订" End If End If Next i ' 更新客房状态为可预订 For i = 2 To lastRowCheckouts Dim checkoutID As String Dim bookingID As String Dim ...