它使用了Commandbars的OnUpdate事件,每次触发此事件时,它都会检查所选单元格中的单元格颜色是否发生了变化,如果发生了变化,将调用相应工作表的CellColorChange事件。 接着,将这个类模块绑定到相应的工作表。 在VBE中,双击工程管理器中的ThisWorkbook打开其代码窗口,在其中输入下...
Using the RGB Function and Color Constants in VBA to Change Cell Colors In the preceding examples, we have demonstrated that you can change cell colors using VBA code with either the RGB function or color constants like vbRed, vbGreen, etc. Although it’s a matter of your personal preferenc...
Sub ChangeCellColor() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Set rng = Range("A1:A10") '指定要操作的单元格范围 For Each cell In rng If cell.Value > 10 Then '根据条件判断单元格的值 cell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) '设置单元格的背景颜色为红色 Else cell.Interior.Color ...
ActiveCell.Interior.Color=vbGreen'NEED CODE HERE TO REVERT CELL TO ORIGINAL BACKGROUND WHEN IT IS NOT THE ACTIVE CELLElseIfLeft(deskNo,1)=2ThenSheets("Second floor").SelectCells.Find(What:=deskNo,After:=ActiveCell,LookIn:=xlFormulas2,LookAt:=_xlPart,SearchOrder...
VBA code to change (revert) Cell Colour when clicking out of cell (ie not the active cell) Hi all, Quite new to VBA so always looking for better ways to do "stuff" and found some interesting code on this site already. I have some code relating to an office floorp...
选择该模块,在下方的属性中将名称修改为C_CellColorChange 双击该模块,粘贴以下代码: OptionExplicitPrivateWithEventscmbAsOffice.CommandBarsPrivatebCancelAsBooleanPrivatebAllCellsCountedAsBooleanPrivatevCellCurColor()AsVariantPrivatevCellPrevColor()AsVariantPrivatesCellAddrss()AsStringPrivatesVisbRngAddrAsStringPrivate...
VBA Code To Change Cell Color. Press Alt+F11 Insert a Module (Insert>Module) from menu bar Paste the code in the module Now add a shape in Excel
currCell.Font.color = vbWhite End If currCell.Offset(0, -1).Interior.color = RGB(r, g, b) End With Q = Q + 1 End Sub Sub AutoChangeColor() '设置初始运行时间间隔(以秒为单位) Dim timeInterval As Date If KeepGoing And Q < MaxQ Then ...
To set the fill color, select the desired cells, go to the "Home" tab, click "Fill Color," and choose a color. For VBA, use: Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Step 3: Applying Font Colors Change font colors by selecting cells, clicking "Font Color," and choosing a color. For...
PublicKeepGoing As BooleanPublicQ As IntegerPublicInterval As SinglePublicMaxQ As IntegerSubChangeColor()Dimr As Integer, g As Integer, b As IntegerDimcurrCell As RangeRandomizeTimerr=Int(255 * Rnd)g=Int(255 * Rnd)b=Int(255 * Rnd)Sheet1.ActivateWithActiveSheet.Range("A1:E10").Clear.Range...