.Valueis an improvement over .Text, as this mostly gets the value from the cell, without formatting. However for cells formatted as a date or currency, .Value will return a VBA date or VBA currency (which may truncate decimal places). .Value2gives the underlying value of the cell. As i...
cells的VALUE是取数值,TEXT是取文本,两者在数字上没区别,在宏中就不一样了。取公式是Formula,没见过VALU2value2 会把货币和日期类型的数据按 浮点数来处理,在数据量比较大的情况下,value2处理速度会快一些,一般情况下,二者区别不大这3个属性应该是一样的
Cells(1, "D").Value = "Text" Cells(1, "D").Select With Selection .Font.Bold = True .Font.Name = "Arial" .Font.Size = 72 .Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) 'Dark blue .Columns.AutoFit .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255) 'Cyan .Borders.Weight = xlThick .Borders.Color = RGB(...
Line Input #1, textline text = text & textline Loop Close #1 K = 1 For i = 1 To Len(text)posF = Mid(text, i, 1)If posF = "《" Then UF = i If posF = "》" Then UL = i If UF <> 0 And UL <> 0 Then Cells(K, 1).Value = Mid(text, UF, UL - UF + 1)UF =...
Cells.Select Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 您可以使用此代码自动调整工作表中的所有行。当您运行此代码时,它将选择工作表中的所有单元格,并立即自动调整所有行。 6. 删除文字绕排 Sub RemoveTextWrap() Range("A1").WrapText = False End Sub
Cells(i, 2) = Application.Norm_Inv(Rnd(), 0, 1) Next End Sub '之后可以绘图查看效果 ''' '''***arrRndBetween*** '目的: 返回lngLow至lngUp之间的不重复随机整数数组 '参数: lngLow: 产生随机整数的下限 ' Lngup: 产生随机整数的上限 ' 如参数为小数,将四舍五入。 '返回: arrRndBetween(...
Description: Cell is a Range object representing the cell whose value you want to set.For purposes of returning such a Range object, work with constructs such as the Worksheet.Range, Worksheet.Cells, Application.ActiveCell, Application.Selection, Range.Range, Range.Cells, or Range.Offset properties...
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) '密码必须输入数字 If Not VBA.IsNumeric(TextBox1.Value) And TextBox1.Value <> "" Then Cancel = True MsgBox "密码只能输入数字,请重新输入" End If End Sub 1. 2. 3. ...
Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).ClearContentsEnd Sub 没有数字的时候,上面语句会返回错误,因此需要On Error Resume Next,有错误也继续执行语句。另外,Excel中日期也会被认为是数字,所以上面代码会删除日期。 练习:自动筛选--获取可见行(数据) ...
Cells(8, 2) = Format(.OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd") End With 反之,如果要想工作表中的文本框显示单元格中的日期,可使用下面的代码: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 With Worksheets("Sheet3") .OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object.Value = Format(.Cells(8...