方法1:自定义异常#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- """功能:python跳出循环""" #方法1:自定义异常 classGetoutofloop(Exception):passtry:for i in range(5):for j in range(5):if i == j == 2:raiseGetoutofloop()else:print i, '---', jexceptGe python...
break跳出for循环java javabreak跳出while循环 一、循环语句1.while语句while 是真假循环,当某个条件为真的时候执行while(布尔型表达式){循环体 ; }2. Do while语句for 和 while 执行次数是0~N次而 do while 能够保证代码至少执行一次,先执行一次在进行判断应用非常少语法 : do{ }while();3.breakbreak 两种用...
Infinite Loop Using a Do While Loop How to Break Out or Exit of a Do While Loop VBA Do Until Loop Syntax of Do Until Loop In VBA Difference Between the two Do Until Syntaxes How a Do Until Loop Works Flow Diagram of a Do Until Loop In VBA Few Simple Examples of Do Until Loop In...
It will give us the value of i from 0 to increment of 2 till 6 and will multiply by 5 to give 30 value and will exit the loop.Example #2In this example, let us use the For loop and break out of it once it satisfies the criteria.Step 1: Open a new module in VB editor and ...
Input #m, buf n = FreeFile Open D:\Articles\2019\File 2.txt For Input As n Print #m, buf Close m Close n '--- Dim MyIndex, FileNumber For MyIndex = 1 To 5 ' Loop 5 times. FileNumber = FreeFile ' Get unused file Open "TEST" & MyIndex For Output As #FileNumber ' Creat...
How to Break the Loop: The “Exit For” Statement There may be instances when we want the loop to stop execution with the current iteration and continue execution of lines of code outside the loop. Let’s come up with a practical situation for an example. ...
Input #m, buf n = FreeFile Open D:\Articles\2019\File 2.txt For Input As n Print #m, buf Close m Close n '--- Dim MyIndex, FileNumber For MyIndex = 1 To 5 ' Loop 5 times. FileNumber = FreeFile ' Get unused file Open "TEST" & MyIndex For Output As #FileNumber ' Creat...
中断/中止VBA循环是指在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程中,通过特定的语句或条件来提前终止循环的执行。VBA循环通常用于重复执行一段代码,直到满足特定条件为止...
("https://rasmusrhl.github.io/stuff/", "") While oHtml.readyState <> "complete" DoEvents '* do not comment this out it is required to break into the code if in infinite loop Wend Debug.Assert oHtml.readyState = "complete" Dim oTRs As MSHTML.IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection Set oTRs = ...
CType(objExcel.Rows(intPage * intErow), Excel.Range).PageBreak = XlPageBreak.xlPageBreakManual intItemIndex = 1 intI = 1 stateIndex = colReportFields.Count For intPage = 1 To intPCount add = "" If (intPage * intErow) > 99000 Then Exit For ...