Range("E5").AutoFill Destination:=Range("E5:E11”) End Sub We basically told Excel to enter a formula inCell E5and autofill it fromCell E5toCell E11. Here, we specified the range. What if you add more rows? The VBA code won’t autofill those extra rows because it won’t go to t...
<!-- function onsub() { //生成新月的字符串 var nian=Number(document.all...
实现自动填充的Python代码如下: ws.Range("C3").Formula = "=$B3*C$2" ws.Range("C3:C3").Select() excel.Selection.AutoFill...选择单元格区域B2:K22,单击功能区“开始”选项卡“样式”组中的“条件格式——色阶——红黄蓝色阶”,然后选择列B至列K,将列宽设置...
通常是用end方法来定位计算文件的结尾在哪里。举例:如下图 t=cells(cells.rows.count,1).end(xlup) 就会返回A列的结尾,即第6行。即t=6,当中的1表示A列 然后用Range("B2:AK" & t) 代替Range("B2:AK437") 就可以 请问?你是要行的结尾,还是列的结尾呢?
Dim i As Integer Dim cl i = 0 For Each cl In Columns("a:a").Cells i = i + 1 If cl = "" Then Exit For End If Next Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:A" & Str(i))因为没有你的数据,没法测试。原理就是这样的,就是开始先找到多少行。
改一下即可:range("a4").autofill destination:=range("a4",range("XFD4").end(1))如果文件是2003版本的.xls,将XFD4改为IV4 如果第4行原有数据没有到F列,而只有第一行标题到F列,则改为 range("a4").autofill destination:=range("a4").resize(1,range("XFD1").end(1).column)
Target Range: Cells B4:B14 in column B that need to be filled. The target range also consists of the source range. We defined a variable named TargetRange to declare the target cells. Autofill Type:xlFillCopy that will copy values and formats from the source range to the target range, re...
I get error 1004 on this line of Excel vba code and don't know how to resolve. Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("R2:R" & lastRow) Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Set wb = ActiveWorkbook Set ws =…
Has anyone run into this error. It occured on loading a file after loading new macro sets into the Excel VBA Editor?? My file will not save after this occurs. I googled it but did get an explanation that applied to my circumstances. ...