Sub AgeCalc( ) 'variable declaration (变量声明) Dim FullName As String Dim DateOfBirth As Date Dim Age As Integer 'assign values to variables (赋值给变量) FullName = "John Smith" DateOfBirth = #01/03/1967# 'calculate age (计算年龄) Age = Year(Now())-Year(DateOfBirth) 'print resu...
Set ActiveSheet to Variable This will assign the ActiveSheet to a WorksheetObject Variable. DimwsAsWorksheetSetws=ActiveSheet Change ActiveSheet Name This willchange the ActiveSheet Name. ActiveSheet.Name="NewName" With ActiveSheet Using the With Statement allows you to streamline your code when working...
Starts aFor Eachloop to iterate through each worksheet in theActiveWorkbookand assign each worksheet to the variablews. Cells.WrapText = False Sets theWrapTextproperty of all cells in the current worksheet (represented by the variablews) toFalse. Next ws Ends the loop and moves to the next w...
You have to write the code in the particular sheet. As I’m going to use an event in the code. So, right-click on the sheet name >> chooseView Codefrom theContext Menu Bar. Write the following code in that event. Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel ...
标签:VBA这是在www.wimgielis.com中看到的一段代码,可以在工作表中自动添加一个矩形,用户可以指定矩形的大小和填充的颜色,以及指定相关联的宏。辑录于此,供参考。VBA代码如下: Sub Add_Macro_Rectangle() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim sh As Object Dim sText As String...
You can assign values to a variable and then test, change, and write from that variable during the macros runtime. Storing values in physical containers such as cells on a worksheet is not efficient if you need to read, write, and change that value multiple times. Accessing values stored ...
'Assign a hard-coded formula to a single cellRange("b3").Formula="=b1+b2" VBA Formula Tips Formula With Variable When working with Formulas in VBA, it’s very common to want to usevariableswithin the cell formulas. To use variables, you use&to combine the variables with the rest of ...
To retrieve the value from that cell, use the Value property of the Range object. For example, to assign the value that the user entered in cell B3 as the name of the worksheet, use the following code.VB Copy ActiveSheet.Name = Range("B3").Value ...
比如如下code:如果在该sheet中的选择位置发生改变,就会自动执行 Worksheet_SelectionChange 方法,选择所选单元格的整个行和列。Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ' Worksheet_SelectionChange Application.EnableEvents = False With Target Union(.EntireRow, .EntireColumn).Select .Activate ...