总结,简单的说,就是VBA里的数值,index默认从0 开始,而从工作表来源的函数,默认index从1开始 用VBA的一维数组函数array() 或者 dim 或者 redim 这几种方法,默认index从0开始 当然dim 或者 redim 可以声明从1开始或从其他开始 比如dim arr2(1 to 3) 或 option base 2 等等 而从工作表区域赋来的数组,无...
Defaults from 0 to 3 and creates an array with location 0,1,2,3 that will accept String values. #3) Dim MyArray2(13 to 15) As Double Creates an array starting from 13 i.e. 13, 14, and 15, and accepts Double values. We have mentioned the lower bound as 13, so the array will...
2.1 使用Array函数创建数组 Dim arr(1 To 3) As Variant arr = Array(0, 1, 2) '创建了一个包含3个整数的一维数组 2.2 通过单元格区域创建数组 Dim arr As Variant arr = Range("A1:B3").Value '将把A1:B3的数据存储到数组arr中 2.3 使用For循环创建数组 Dim arr(1 To 3) As Integer Dim i As...
' 22 11 * 2 ReDim MyIntegerArray(10) As Integer ' 88 11 * 8 ReDim MyDoubleArray(10) As Double ' 176 11 * 16 ReDim MyVariantArray(10) ' 100 * 100 * 2 20,000 ReDim MyIntegerArray (99, 99) As Integer ' 100 * 100 * 8 80,000 ReDim MyDoubleArray (99, 99) As Double '...
1. 变量声明 形成好习惯: Option Explicit'所有变量必须显式声明 Option Base 1'所有数组默认索引从1开始 2. 变量赋值 根据手动输入数据定义数组: 有时候需要在代码中手动输入值定义而非读入单元格数据定义double类型数组,下面是实现方法。 Private Sub DirectDefineDblArr() '变量声明 Dim Ivarray As Variant, Var...
If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex > 0 Then ColorCellsNum = ColorCellsNum + 1 End If Next rCell MsgBox "所选区域中填充了颜色的单元格有" & ColorCellsNum & "个。"End Sub 6.统计选定区域中包含公式的单元格数量:Sub CountFormulaInSelection()Dim FormulaNum As Integer Dim rCell As ...
'array formation ReDim myArr(1 To 2) myArr(1) = phy myArr(2) = chem 'get score of the student student = Application.Evaluate("INDEX(" & Name.Address & ", MATCH(1,(" & myArr(1) & "=" & Physics.Address & ")*(" & myArr(2) & "=" & Chemistry.Address & "), 0))")...
An Array type Multi-dimensional numerically indexed aggregations of data values with up to 60 dimensions. Empty aggregations with no dimensions are also included in the domain. Such aggregations can be homogeneous (all elements (section 2.1.1) of the aggregation have the same value type) or het...
Sub Array_with_Nested_ForLoop() Dim MyArray(5) As Integer 'Declaring Array Element MyArray(0) = 20 MyArray(1) = 30 MyArray(2) = 40 MyArray(3) = 50 MyArray(4) = 60 MyArray(5) = 70 'Using For Loop Dim Combination_Value As String Combination_Value = "Combination Value of arr...
'array()函数的index默认从0开始 ,除非有 option base 1等 array()是默认从0开始'ReDim Preserve...