Hi, The VLOOKUP works but returns #N/A for all non matches. IFERROR results in blank cells. Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, ... Lindsy What is New Sheet? Table names cannot contain spaces... IFERROR works like this when you specify it in VBA: Range("AG...
(add) As Integer Dim n As Integer '定义整型变量n,用于记录个数 Dim rowth As Integer, colth As Integer, a As Range 'Set A = Range(add) rowth = Range(add).Item(1, 1).Row colth = Range(add).Item(1, 1).Column n = 0 Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(rowth, colth + n)) n =...
如何快速插入空白列呢? 在开始菜单栏选择插入,插入工作表列(即可在左边创建一个新的空白列)
.TextZ = .ListXYZ.Column(3, .ListXYZ.ListIndex) End If End With End Sub MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Sheets("A7").Range("B50").End(xlUp).Row MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Sheets("A7").Range("zz2").End(xlUp).Column 获得第4行最后有数据的“列号“ 的公式 =LOOKUP(1,0/(4:4<>""),COLUMN(4:4)) ...
= Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)arrTitle = Array("一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六")With Me.ListView1 .View = lvwReport For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) .ColumnHeaders.Add , , arrTitle(i),30 Next Set Item = .ListItems.Add Item.Text = arr(0)...
Set uv = rng.FormatConditions.AddUniqueValues uv.DupeUnique = xlUnique uv.Interior.Color = vbGreen End Sub 'Translate By Tmtony 此代码将突出显示所选内容中具有唯一值的所有单元格。 28. 突出显示列中的差异 Sub columnDifference() Range("H7:H8,I7:I8").Select ...
When you run this macro, it takes the count of columns from cell A1 and the column where you want to add columns from cell B1. When you insert a column where the above column has some specific formatting, in that case, the column will also have that formatting automatically. And the ...
=ISNUMBER(A2) or =NOT(A2="A", A2="B", A2="C") then filter on TRUE If you can't add a column, use autofilter with Criteria1:=">-65535" (or a suitable number lower than any you expect) which will filter out non-numeric values - assuming this is what you want Write a VBA ...
Add("A" & arr(i, 5), tvwChild, "A" & arr(i, 1), arr(i, 3)) End If Next End With Me.TextBox1.Visible = False Me.ListBox1.Visible = False ElseIf Target.Column = 5 Then '现金流量 Me.TreeView1.Visible = False iRow = Sheets("XJLL").UsedRange.Ro...
例如下面程序使用add方法添加一个新工作簿或者工作表。 Sub addsheet() ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add End sub 下面的代码选中工作表Sheet1中“A1单元格”,然后再清除其中内容。 Sheet1.range("A1").Select Sheet1.range("A1").clear 上一章介绍过VBA的变量和数组的知识,变量和数组除了能够保存简单的数据类型外...