Dim Selected As String Dim item As String Selected = ActiveCell.Cells.Value With Me.ListBox1 For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 item = .List(i) '如果选择项不在Selected中,但是选了,则添加进去 If .Selected(i) And InStr(Selected, item) = 0 Then Selected = Selected & SepChar & item End ...
这是代码: Function llenarDatosTabla() Dim vList As Variant Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Worksheets(BD_PRODXSIST) ListBox1.Clear With ws If (IsEmpty(.Range("AA2").Value) = False) Then Dim ultimoRenglon A
我发现了许多例子,说明如何在列表框中找到所选的项,以及如何遍历列表框; for(int index=0;index < listBox1.Items.Count; index++) { MessageBox.Show(listBox1.Items[index].ToString(); } 或 foreach (DataRowView item in listBox1.Items) { MessageBox.Show(item.Row["ID"].ToString() + " | "...
If .Show = -1 Then '确定 For Each i In .SelectedItems '在所有选取项目中循环 With Documents.Open(i, , , , , , , , , , , False) .Range.InsertAfter Chr$(13) & "改成你想加入的话..." .Close True End With Next End If End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 1. 2....
Me.Label5.Caption= Me.Label5.Caption + Me.TextBox1.Value *Me.Label2.Caption End Sub---Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() For i=0To Me.ListBox4.ListCount -1If Me.ListBox4.Selected(i)=True Then Me.Label5.Caption= Me.Label5.Caption - Me.ListBox4.List(i,5) Me.ListBox4.Remove...
Private Sub cmdOkay_Click()'Verify that an item was selectedIf Me.ComboBox1.BoundValue = vbNullString Then MsgBox "You did not choose an item!", vbOKOnly Exit Sub Else MsgBox "You choose " & Me.ComboBox1.BoundValue, vbOKOnly End If ...
If a multiple-column list box is bound, Microsoft Access stores the values from one of the columns. You can use an unbound list box to store a value that you can use with another control. For example, you could use an unbound list box to limit the values in another list box or in ...
PjListOrder PjLoginType PjMailField PjMailSystem PjMeasurementUnits PjMergeType PjMessageType PjMonth PjMonthLabel PjMSApplication PjNewTasksStartOnDate PjNonWorkingPlacement PjOldConstants PjOptionsSecurityTab PjOrganizer PjOverallocationType PjPageSetupCalendarItem PjPaperSize PjPasteSpecialType PjPERTBoxSize...
For i = 0 To Sheet1.ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then Me.ListBox1.RemoveItem i End If Next Me.Label5.Caption = Me.Label5.Caption - Me.TextBox1.Value * Me.Label2.Caption End Sub 3、对于例题: ...
One example of using a My object is to access the name of the current user. Note, however, that VSTO does not set My.User by default. You must first call InitializeWithWindowsUser. The code in Listing 4.1 displays the current user in a message box. ...