Office中本机64位进程不能加载32位二进制文件。包括MSComCtl通用控件(TabStrip, Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListViews, ImageList, Slider, ImageComboBox)和MSComCt2控件(Animation, UpDown, MonthView, DateTimePicker, FlatScrollBar),这些控件由以前Office或现在32位office安装,当迁移到64位Off...
これをVBAで使えるのか、さらに64bit 32 bit共用で使えるのか。 結論から言うと簡単に使えます #If VBA7 ThenPrivateDeclarePtrSafeFunctionGetTickCountLib"kernel32"()AsLongPrivateDeclarePtrSafeFunctionMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLib"user32"_(ByValCountAsLong,ByValHandlesPointerAsLong,_ByValWaitAllAsLong,By...
Microsoft offers a 32-bit client installation and 64-bit client installation of Microsoft Office 2010. If you use a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows, you can choose which version of Microsoft Office to use. By using the 64-bit version, you can experience improved application performance by...
> 64bit版Windows10でOffice365の32bit版ということから ACE は 32-bit 版と想像してますが、とすると ADO.NET は 32-bit で動いてないとダメで、それを使う PowerShell も 32-bit で動いてないとダメということになるはずです。エラーメッセージの、...
Both function are not compatible with 64-bit, especially SHGetPathFromIDList can crash you application, even if you change the declaration to 64-bit!!! Here is a replacement for SHGetPathFromIDList: prettyprint Private Function Path4MyDocuments() As String ' Const S_OK = 0 ' Const MAX_PATH =...
Hi there, I have a macro that parses a JSON using this library. The JsonConvertor works fine. However, when i try to access an element Dict(key), it works on my 32bit Excel 2016 (on my 64bit laptop), but when I do the same on the 64bit E...
I was previously using VBA-JSON successfully on Windows 10 (32 bit) ...I'm now using the exact same VBA code on Windows 11, but VBA-JSON is throwing up an error... Run time error '458' Variable uses an Automation tpe not supported in Vi...
修复了当您在 64 位版本的 Office 2010 应用程序中运行 VBA 宏"类型不匹配"错误消息。此问题会影响正常运行 32 位版本的 Office 应用程序中的 VBA 宏。
Microsoft VBA 7.1 (64-Bit) development environment CMS IntelliCAD® PE & PE+ includes a full implementation of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Edition (VBA), a development environment that simplifies the creation and execution of custom applications. ...
Manage the mouse and its properties in VB6 and VBA with 32 and 64-bit Windows API calls.Procedure List Procedure Name Type Description (Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the CMouseInfo class. Buttons Property Get the number of mouse buttons. CursorHeight Property ...